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Value Sets

Overview of Value Sets

 Oracle Application Object Library uses values, value sets and validation tables as important components of key flexfields, descriptive flexfields, and Standard Request Submission. This section helps you understand, use and change values, value sets, and validation tables.
When you first define your flexfields, you choose how many segments you want to use and what order you want them to appear. You also choose how you want to validate each of your segments. The decisions you make affect how you define your value sets and your values.
You define your value sets first, either before or while you define your flexfield segment structures. You typically define your individual values only after your flexfield has been completely defined (and frozen and compiled). Depending on what type of value set you use, you may not need to predefine individual values at all before you can use your flexfield.
You can share value sets among segments in different flexfields, segments in different structures of the same flexfield, and even segments within the same flexfield structure. You can share value sets across key and descriptive flexfields. You can also use value sets for report parameters for your reports that use the Standard Request Submission feature.
Because the conditions you specify for your value sets determine what values you can use with them, you should plan both your values and your value sets at the same time. For example, if your values are 01, 02 instead of 1, 2, you would define the value set with Right-Justify Zero-fill set to Yes.
Remember that different flexfields may have different requirements and restrictions on the values you can use, so you should read information for your specific flexfield as part of your value planning process. For example, the Accounting Flexfield requires that you use certain types of value sets.

Value set options include the following:

  • Name
  • Description
  • List Type
  • Security Type

Format options include:

  • Format Type
  • Maximum Length
  • Precision
  • Numbers Only?
  • Uppercase Only?
  • Right-Justify and Zero-Fill Numbers?
  • Minimum Value
  • Maximum Value

Validation types include:

  • Independent
  • Dependent
  • None
  • Table
  • Special
  • Pair
  • Translatable Independent
  • Translatable Dependent

Choosing Value Formats

Since a value set is primarily a "container" for your values, you define your value set such that it can control the types of values that are allowed into the value set (whether predefined or non-validated). You can specify the format of your values:
  • Character
  • Number
  • Time
  • Standard Date
  • Standard DateTime
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Warning: Date and DateTime will be obsolete in a future release and are provided for backward compatibility only. For new value sets, use the the format types Standard Date and Standard DateTime.

Few important Value Sets:

Value Set NameDescriptionFormat TypeMAX SIZE
1 Character1 Character with no validationChar1
1 Number with No validation1 Number with No validationNumber1
1 char1 Character Validation (Please do not define Min/Max Values for this value set)Char1
1 char test1 CharacterChar1
10 Characters10 Characters free text with no validationChar10
10/NumberA 10 digit positive number field with no validationNumber10
100 Characters100 CharactersChar240
11 Characters Char11
120 Characters120 Characters, no validationChar120
14 Characters Char14
14 Digit NumbersValue set for India 14 digit numbersNumber14
15 Characters15 CharactersChar15
15 Digit Number Number15
15 Number15 NumberNumber15
150 Characters Optional150 Characters OptionalChar150
16 Characters16 CharactersChar16
17 chars17 chars, no validationChar17
2 Character2 Character with Zero FillChar2
2 Characters2 CharactersChar2
2 Digits2 Digit positive numberNumber2
2 Digits(1-99)1-99Number2
20 Characters20 CharactersChar20
2003 SICLegal Activity Codes for United KingdomChar50
24 Number only Number36
240 Characters240 CharactersChar240
240 Characters Optional240 Characters OptionalChar240
240 char240 CharactersChar240
255 Char255 CharChar255
255 char Char255
27 Characters27 Characters, no validationChar27
2_NumberValueset for 2 digit NumberNumber2
2char2 characters upper caseChar2
3 Characters Char3
3 Digit NumbersValue Set for Demand Plan Rolling ProcessNumber3
3 Digits3 digit positive numberNumber3
30 Character Optional30 Character OptionalChar30
30 Characters30 Characters, no validationChar30
30 Characters Optional30 Characters OptionalChar30
30 char Char30
35 Chars35 Alphanumeric Characters,no validationChar35
4 Characters4 Alpha/Numeric characters no validationChar4
4 Digits4 Digits for holding the yearNumber4
40 Chars40 Chars (no Validation)Char40
5 Digit Numbers5 digit positive numbersNumber5
5 DigitsValue set to hold the range from 0 to 99999.Number5
5 characters5 charactersChar5
50 Characters50 Characters free text with no validationChar50
50 chars50 chars, no validationChar50
6 Character6 character alpha numeric no validationChar6
6 Characters6 Alpha/Numeric characters no validationChar6
6/Characters6 Character Alpha/NumericChar6
6/NumberA 6 digit positive number field with no validationNumber6
60 Char60 CharactersChar60
60 Characters60 CharactersChar60
60 Chars60 CharactersChar60
7 characters7 charactersChar7
7/DigitsA 7 Digit number field with no validations, -ve numbers are allowedNumber10
7/NumberA 7 digit positive number field with no validationNumber10
7/NumberWithZeroA 7 digit whole number field with no validationNumber7
70 Characters70 CharactersChar70
8 Characters8 CharactersChar8
80 Characters80 CharactersChar80
80 Characters - No ValidationAny 80 characters - created for ECO/WIP Job Hold AlertChar80
80 Characters Optional80 Characters OptionalChar80
9 Number Number9
90 Characters90 Characters, No ValidationChar90
94 Characters94 CharactersChar94
FNDCPCRS_MODEMode for request statistics summary/purge programChar10
FNDFFTST_SSV_desc_flex_name Char40
FNDFFTST_SSV_key_flex_code Char4
FNDSCSRC(Sort By)Sort By for Signon Audit Concurrent Requests ReportChar80
FND_APPLICATIONApplication NameChar240
FND_APPLICATION_SHORT_NAMEApplication Short NamesChar240
FND_AUDIT_GROUPS_NAMEList of group_name from fnd_audit_groupsChar240
FND_BFM_LINE_BREAKLine Break options for Bulk Upload/Download.Char10
FND_BFM_MODEBulk File Manager Mode.Char20
FND_CHAR100100 CharactersChar100
FND_CHAR240240 characters, unvalidatedChar240
FND_CHAR_240240 characters, unvalidatedChar240
FND_CHAR_RESC240 character unvalidatedChar240
FND_DATENon-required date value set with format DD-MON-YYDate9
FND_DATE4Non-required date value set with format DD-MON-YYYYDate11
FND_DATE4_REQUIREDRequired date value set with format DD-MON-YYYYDate11
FND_DATE4_REQUIRED_STANDARDRequired date value set with format DD-MON-YYYYStandard Date11
FND_DATE4_STANDARDNon-required date value set with format DD-MON-YYYYStandard Date11
FND_DATE_REQUIREDRequired date value set with format DD-MON-YYDate9
FND_DATE_REQUIRED_STANDARDRequired date value set with format DD-MON-YYStandard Date11
FND_DATE_STANDARDNon-required date value set with format DD-MON-YYStandard Date11
FND_FLEX_UPG_SRS_DTFORMAT_VSETSDate and DateTime Value Sets. Used in FNDFFUPG_CLONE_DATE conc. prog.Char60
FND_FLEX_UPG_SRS_NFORMAT_VSETSNumber Value Sets. Used in FNDFFUPG_NUMBER_ONE conc. prog.Char60
FND_FLEX_UPG_SRS_NLS_NUMERIC_CHARSSupported NLS_NUMERIC_CHARS in Oracle Applications. Used in FNDFFUPG_NUMBER_% conc. progs.Char2
FND_FLEX_UPG_SRS_XYFORMAT_VSETSStandard Date and Standard DateTime Value Sets. Used in FNDFFUPG_DATE_ONE conc. prog.Char60
FND_FORM(Form Name)USER_FORM_NAME from FND_FORM for all applicationsChar80
FND_INDUSTRIES2Industry ListChar80
FND_LANGUAGESLanguage CodesChar4
FND_LOBS_PROGRAM_NAMEExisting Program NamesChar32
FND_LOBS_PROGRAM_TAGSExisting Program Tags for a specific Program NameChar32
FND_LOGINS(Login name)LOGIN_NAME in FND_LOGINS.  Not validateChar30
FND_LOGINS(Sort by)Sort By for Signon Audit Users ReportChar80
FND_LOGINS(Terminal_ID)TERMINAL_ID in FND_LOGINS.  Not validatedChar30
FND_LOGIN_RESPONSIBILITIES(Sort by)Sort By for Signon Audit Responsibility ReportChar80
FND_LOGIN_RESP_FORMS(Sort By)Sort By for Signon Audit Forms ReportChar80
FND_MO_LEDGERSLedgers for Operating UnitsChar20
FND_MO_OU Char240
FND_MO_REPORTING_LEVELMulti-Org Reporting LevelChar60
FND_MO_TRL_AP_CA_CURRENCYSet of Books Currency - AP ReportsChar15
FND_MO_TRL_AR_CA_CURRENCYSet of Books Currency - AR ReportsChar15
FND_NUMBERPositive Integer NumberNumber15
FND_NUMBER15Non-Required numeric value setNumber15
FND_NUMBER15_REQUIREDRequired numeric value setNumber15
FND_NUMBER_1Integers Between 1 and 9Number1
FND_NUMBER_2Integers Between 1 and 99Number2
FND_ORACLE_USERIDORACLE Usernames (Enabled only)Char30
FND_RESPONSIBILITYResponsibility NameChar100
FND_RESPONSIBILITY_GUIResponsibility Names (GUI only) for applicationChar100
FND_SOA_MODULESIntegrated SOA Gateway ModulesChar80
FND_SORT_FNDFFCVLSort by Rule Name or Error Segment for Cross Validation Rule Listing ReportChar30
FND_STANDARD_DATEDate value setStandard Date11
FND_STANDARD_DATETIMEDateTime value setStandard DateTime20
FND_STANDARD_DATE_REQUIREDRequired Standard DateStandard Date11
FND_STANDARD_DATE_TIMEDateTime value setStandard DateTime20
FND_STATS_ACTIONPowers the Action Parameter of the Backup/Restore CBO Statistics Conc ProgramChar8
FND_STATS_OWNER_ALLValue set for displaying the list of database schema owners, including ALLChar30
FND_STATS_TABLESPowers the LOV that displays the LOV for the tables in a selected schemaChar30
FND_TABLEStables in fndChar30
FND_TABLES_ALL_VIEWTables in application and ALLChar30
FND_TX_CLASSESEbiz Taxonomy ClassesChar30
FND_TX_GROUPSEbiz Taxonomy Groups (Structures)Char30
FND_UNSUCCESSFUL_LOGINS(Sort By)Sort By for Signon Audit Unsuccessful Logins ReportChar80
FND_USER Char100
FND_USER(Signon Audit) Char100
FND_USERSUser IdChar50
FND_USER_FIX_EMP_CUST_ACTIONAction to take when fixing employee_id and customer_idChar30
FND_USER_FIX_EMP_CUST_ERRORclass of error when fixing employee_id and customer_idChar30
FND_WFLOAD_MODEWorkflow Definitions Loader ModeChar80
FND_WFRESGEN_MODEWorkflow Resource Generator destination modesChar80
FND_WF_AGENTWorkflow AgentChar30
FND_WF_AGENTSWorkflow AgentsChar30
FND_WF_AQ_WAITAQ wait period valiadetion set for WF BESNumber30
FND_WF_CORRELATION_IDCorrelation ID validation set for WF BES.Char128
FND_WF_DEQ_CONDITIONCondition for dequeuing ( Currently it will not be displayed )Char120
FND_WF_ERR_ACTSErrored workflow activities for a given ItemtypeChar30
FND_WF_ERR_KEYSWorkflow error item keys based on a given item typeChar50
FND_WF_ERR_PROCSWorkflow processes with activities in ERRORChar30
FND_WF_ITEM_TYPESWorkflow Item TypesChar80
FND_WF_ITEM_TYPES_RACItem types enabled for RAC leveragingChar80
FND_WF_MAIL_STATUSWorkflow Notification Mail StatusChar30
FND_WF_PERSISTENCE_TYPEWorkflow Item Persistence TypeChar30
FND_WF_PURGE_YNYes / No for purgeChar1
FND_WF_ROLES_LOVWorkflow Roles LOVChar80
FND_WF_RUNTIMEDATA_PURGEValidation set to equate boolean for Core Workflow Only data purge alone or Everything.Char1
Fnd Stats Gather OptionsLOV for Gather Options for Fnd StatsChar12
Fnd Stats History ModeHistory Mode LOV For Fnd StatsChar8
Fnd Stats Purge ModePurge Modes For the Fnd_stats purge_history programChar10
Fnd Stats Yes_No Char3


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