AP: Document Sequencing for Bank wise Check Payments:
There are scenarios or requirement where the payment voucher number should be generated Bank wise like payments made from HBL should have its own sequence and payment made from MCB should have its own. You can also narrow down the sequencing to Check Books.
Following is the levels of the Payment and its Document Categories:
- All Payment (Check Pay: It is a seeded or default category)
- Bank Account (this needs to be defined)
- Check Book (this also needs to be defined)
I am not referring to other types of payment like EFT or Wire Transfer cuz frankly I haven’t seen any organization in Pakistan using these mode of payments, I am not denying that there aren’t but I haven’t seen and in turn haven’t worked on it. Although I worked with modes like Netting Payment and Refunds :D
The process is very simple. You just have to be familiar with Document Sequencing. For bank account wise sequence generation you have to perform following steps
- Define a separate Document Category using the System Administrator responsibility.
- Assign the newly created document category to either Bank Account OR Payment Document.
- Define a new Document Sequence.
- Assign the newly created Sequence to Category.
There you go, now the document sequence or voucher sequence will be generated against a particular bank account or check book.
You question should be: Where to assign the category and What is difference between assigning category to Bank Account and Check Book?
Well, the difference is very simple and it is of hierarchy that is if you assign the category code to bank account then all the check books created in that account will have the same document category assigned to it. Otherwise you have to select the category code for each check book.
For Step 1 Defining a separate Document Category, do the following:
Navigation: System Administrator>Application>Sequential Numbering>Categories
- Select Application as Payables.
- Enter Category Code like CHK_HBL. It is 30 character field.
- Enter Name like HBL Check Payment.
- Enter Description. (Optional)
- Select Table Name as AP_CHECKS_ALL. Don’t select any other table name. The reason to select this table name is because the payment document is created in this table.
Moving on, you have to assign this document category to either the Bank Account or the Check Book. I prefer to assign it at bank account level.
You have to get to Bank Account page, it’s up to your rights and responsibilities that you choose Payables or Cash Management to get to Bank Account Setup page. Here are the navigation and steps
Step 2 Assigning Document Category to the Bank Account
Navigation: Bank Accounts> Search Bank Account> Update the particular Bank Account>
- Click on Account Access Tab on the left.
- Click on Options.
- Enter the newly created category on the Payment Document Category field. Like in this example it is CHK_HBL.
You can also see another region Payment Document Categories by Payment Method. It is self-explanatory that if you are using multiple payment methods with the particular bank account and want to have separate number generated for each method then you can define and assign separate document categories to each method.
For step 3 and 4 you have to refer to Document Sequencing
I hope this suffice your requirement. If you have any queries, feel free to contact me at atif.syd@gmail.com
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