GL_ACCESS_SET_ASSIGNMENTS | Flattened data access set privilege assignments |
GL_ACCESS_SET_NORM_ASSIGN | Data access set privilege assignments |
GL_ACCESS_SETS | Data access set definitions |
GL_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHIES | Summary/Detail account hierarchies |
GL_ALLOC_BATCHES | MassAllocations and MassBudget batches |
GL_ALLOC_FORMULA_LINES | MassAllocations and MassBudget formula lines |
GL_ALLOC_FORMULAS | MassAllocations and MassBudget formulas |
GL_ALLOC_HISTORY | History of MassAllocation and MassBudget runs |
GL_ALLOC_INTERIM_1 | Temporary table for MassAllocations and MassBudgets |
GL_ALLOC_INTERIM_2 | Temporary table for MassAllocations and MassBudgets |
GL_ALLOC_INTERIM_3 | Temporary table for MassAllocations and MassBudgets |
GL_ALLOC_TARGETS | Temporary table for MassAllocations and MassBudgets |
GL_APPLICATION_GROUPS | Application product groups that use Oracle General Ledger accounting periods |
GL_ARCHIVE_BALANCES | Archive account balances |
GL_ARCHIVE_BATCHES | Archive journal batches |
GL_ARCHIVE_DAILY_BALANCES | Archive daily aggregate balances |
GL_ARCHIVE_HEADERS | Archive journal headers |
GL_ARCHIVE_HISTORY | History of the archive and purges of journals and balances |
GL_ARCHIVE_LINES | Archive journal entry lines |
GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS | Journal approval authorization limits for employees |
GL_AUTO_ALLOC_BAT_HIST_DET | Status of concurrent program submitted for each step in the allocation set |
GL_AUTO_ALLOC_BATCH_HISTORY | History of all batches included in an allocation set run |
GL_AUTO_ALLOC_BATCHES | Assignments of MassAllocation, Mass Budgets, Mass Encumbrances, Recurring Journals or Projects batches to an allocation set |
GL_AUTO_ALLOC_REV_BATCHES | Reverse journal batches generated by AutoAllocation rollback process |
GL_AUTO_ALLOC_SET_HISTORY | History of allocation set runs |
GL_AUTO_ALLOC_SETS | Autoallocation set definition for step-down or parallel allocations |
GL_AUTOMATIC_POSTING_OPTIONS | Individual automatic posting criteria |
GL_AUTOMATIC_POSTING_SETS | Sets of automatic posting criteria |
GL_AUTOREV_CRITERIA_SETS | Journal reversal criteria sets |
GL_AUTOREVERSE_OPTIONS | Reversal criteria for generating automatic journal reversals |
GL_BALANCES | Account balances for both detail and summary accounts |
GL_BALANCES_DELTA | Incremental changes to account balances |
GL_BALANCES_DELTA_INTERIM | Interim tracking of incremental account balances |
GL_BC_DUAL | Budgetary control concurrency table |
GL_BC_DUAL2 | Budgetary control concurrency table |
GL_BC_EVENT_TIMESTAMPS | Budgetary control events (Summary Templates and Budget Assignment Ranges) |
GL_BC_OPTION_DETAILS | Budgetary control option details |
GL_BC_OPTIONS | Budgetary control options |
GL_BC_PACKET_ARRIVAL_ORDER | Budgetary control packet processing sequence |
GL_BC_PACKETS | Budgetary control queue table |
GL_BC_PACKETS_HISTS | GL_BC_PACKETS_HISTS is Oracle General Ledger's history table for the Budgetary Control feature. This table stores the budgetary control packets that are deleted from table GL_BC_PACKETS. |
GL_BC_PERIOD_MAP | Budgetary control period boundaries |
GL_BUDGET_ASSIGNMENT_RANGES | Budget organization account ranges |
GL_BUDGET_ASSIGNMENTS | Budget organization accounts |
GL_BUDGET_BATCHES | Budget formula batches |
GL_BUDGET_ENTITIES | Budget organization definitions |
GL_BUDGET_FROZEN_RANGES | Frozen account ranges for a budget or budget organization |
GL_BUDGET_INTERFACE | Upload budget data from external sources |
GL_BUDGET_INTERIM | Budget posting interim balances |
GL_BUDGET_PERIOD_RANGES | Status of budget period ranges (open/not open) |
GL_BUDGET_RANGE_INTERIM | Interim table to hold budget balances entered in the Enter Budget Amounts and Enter Budget Journals forms |
GL_BUDGET_TYPES | Budget type definitions |
GL_BUDGET_VERSIONS | Budget version definitions |
GL_BUDGETS | Budget definitions |
GL_CARRYFORWARD_RANGES | Ranges of encumbrance accounts to carry across fiscal years |
GL_COA_MAPPINGS | Chart of accounts mapping definitions |
GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS | Account combinations |
GL_CONCURRENCY_CONTROL | Concurrent process internal locking mechanism |
GL_CONCURRENT_SCHEDULES | Oracle General Ledger concurrent schedule definitions |
GL_CONS_BATCHES | Transaction method consolidation batches |
GL_CONS_FLEX_HIERARCHIES | Consolidation subsidiary segment hierarchies |
GL_CONS_FLEXFIELD_MAP | Consolidation account rules |
GL_CONS_SEGMENT_MAP | Consolidation segment rules |
GL_CONS_SET_ASSIGNMENTS | Assignments of consolidations to consolidation sets |
GL_CONSOLIDATION | Consolidation definitions |
GL_CONSOLIDATION_ACCOUNTS | Account ranges for consolidating balances |
GL_CONSOLIDATION_AUDIT | Audit data for consolidation run |
GL_CONSOLIDATION_HISTORY | History of consolidation runs |
GL_CONSOLIDATION_SETS | Consolidation sets |
GL_CROSS_RATE_RULE_DTLS | Cross Rate Rule Details |
GL_CROSS_RATE_RULES | Cross Rate Rules |
GL_DAILY_BALANCES | Daily aggregate balances for both detail and summary accounts |
GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES | Foreign currency daily conversion rate types |
GL_DAILY_RATES | Daily conversion rates for foreign currency transactions |
GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE | Import daily conversion rates |
GL_DATE_PERIOD_MAP | Date to period mappings |
GL_DEFAS_ACCESS_SETS | Definition access set definitions |
GL_DEFAS_ASSIGNMENTS | Definition access set privilege assignments |
GL_DEFAS_RESP_ASSIGN | Assignment of definition access sets to responsibilities |
GL_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT | Sequential numbering audit table |
GL_DYNAMIC_SUMM_COMBINATIONS | Newly created summary account combinations |
GL_EFC_BUDGET_MAPPING | Budget and budget organization mappings for Euro as Functional Currency process |
GL_EFC_CHANGED_TRX | Transactions that need to be reprocessed by the Euro as Functional Currency process |
GL_EFC_DISABLED_TRIGGERS | Triggers disabled by the Euro as Functional Currency process |
GL_EFC_RUN_HISTORY | Euro as Functional Currency process history |
GL_ELIM_ACCOUNTS_MAP | Intercompany elimination account mappings |
GL_ELIM_BAL_OPTIONS | Intercompany elimination balancing options. |
GL_ELIMINATION_HISTORY | Intercompany elimination history |
GL_ELIMINATION_JOURNALS | Intercompany elimination journals |
GL_ELIMINATION_SETS | Intercompany elimination set definitions |
GL_ENCUMBRANCE_TYPES | Encumbrance type definitions |
GL_ENTITY_BUDGETS | Freeze budget organizations for particular budgets |
GL_EXTRACT_HISTORY | Successful full or incremental extract requests information from the GL_BALANCES_DELTA table generated from programs like Analyzer-Extract Incremental Balances |
GL_FIXED_CONV_RATES | Fixed conversion rates for changes in national currency |
GL_HISTORICAL_RATE_RANGES | Historical translation rates account ranges |
GL_HISTORICAL_RATES | Foreign currency translation rates for historical accounts |
GL_IEA_AUTOGEN_MAP | Automatic account generation mapping rules for the Global Intercompany System |
GL_IEA_CLEARING_ACCOUNTS | Clearing accounts |
GL_IEA_IMPORT_REGISTRY | Global Intercompany System import execution control |
GL_IEA_INTERFACE | Transactional data for import into Global Intercompany System |
GL_IEA_RECUR_BATCHES | Recurring intercompany batches |
GL_IEA_RECUR_HISTORY | History of recurring intercompany batch runs |
GL_IEA_RECUR_LINES | Recurring intercompany transaction lines |
GL_IEA_RECUR_TRANSACTIONS | Recurring intercompany transactions |
GL_IEA_SEGMENT_MAP | Automatic account generation segment mapping rules for the Global Intercompany System |
GL_IEA_SEGMENT_RULE_MAP | Automatic account generation individual segment mapping rules for the Global Intercompany System |
GL_IEA_SUBSIDIARIES | Subsidiary definitions |
GL_IEA_TRANSACTION_LINES | Intercompany transaction lines |
GL_IEA_TRANSACTION_TYPES | Intercompany transaction types |
GL_IEA_TRANSACTIONS | Intercompany transactions |
GL_IMP_COA_ERR_INTERFACE | Error message interface table for the Chart of Account Segment Values Import process. |
GL_IMP_COA_NORM_HIER_INTERFACE | Interface table to capture data for the import Child Ranges for Parent Chart of Account Segment Values. |
GL_IMP_COA_SEG_VAL_INTERFACE | Import of Chart of Accounts Segment Values |
GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES | Cross-references between subledgers and Oracle General Ledger's journal entries |
GL_INTERCOMPANY_ACC_SETS | Intercompany transaction processing rules |
GL_INTERCOMPANY_ACCOUNTS | Assignments of intercompany due to and due from accounts to a source, category, and balancing segment value. |
GL_INTERFACE | Import journal entry batches |
GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL | Journal import execution control |
GL_INTERFACE_HISTORY | Imported journal entry batches |
GL_ISPEED_COA_SEGMENTS | Chart of Accounts segments information. |
GL_ISPEED_COA_TEMPLATES | Chart of Accounts template definition. |
GL_JE_BATCHES | Journal entry batches |
GL_JE_CATEGORIES_TL | Journal entry categories |
GL_JE_HEADERS | Journal entry headers |
GL_JE_INCLUSION_RULES | Journal Inclusion rule |
GL_JE_LINES | Journal entry lines |
GL_JE_SEGMENT_VALUES | Journal entry balancing and management segment values. |
GL_JE_SOURCES_TL | Journal entry sources |
GL_JOURNAL_REPORTS_ITF | Interface table for RXi Oracle General Ledger journal reports. |
GL_LE_VALUE_SETS | Legal entity value set assignments. |
GL_LEDGER_CONFIG_DETAILS | Primary ledgers and their associated secondary ledgers, legal entities, reporting currencies and setup. |
GL_LEDGER_NORM_SEG_VALS | Valid balancing segment values for ledger |
GL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPS | Relationships between ledgers |
GL_LEDGER_SEGMENT_VALUES | Flattened valid balancing segment values for ledger |
GL_LEDGER_SET_ASSIGNMENTS | Flattened ledger set assignments |
GL_LEDGER_SET_NORM_ASSIGN | Ledger set assignments |
GL_LEDGER_SET_REQUESTS | Ledger set child request status. |
GL_LEDGERS | Ledger definition |
GL_LEGAL_ENTITIES_BSVS | Legal entity balancing segment value assignments. |
GL_LOOKUPS_OLD | General Ledger lookups |
GL_MC_BOOK_ASSIGNMENTS | Assignments of reporting sets of books to primary sets of books |
GL_MC_BOOK_ASSIGNMENTS_11I | Assignments of reporting sets of books to primary sets of books |
GL_MC_CONVERSION_RULES | Multiple reporting currency conversion rules for Oracle General Ledger |
GL_MC_CONVERSION_RULES_11I | Multiple reporting currency conversion rules for Oracle General Ledger |
GL_MC_REPORTING_OPTIONS | Multiple reporting currency conversion options by application |
GL_MC_REPORTING_OPTIONS_11I | Multiple reporting currency conversion options by application/operating unit/asset book |
GL_MC_UPGRADE_HISTORY | History of upgrade for each application and reporting set of books |
GL_MC_UPGRADE_RATES | Exchange rates used for the multiple reporting currency upgrade programs |
GL_MGT_SEG_UPGRADE | Management segment upgrade unprocessed journal batches. |
GL_MGT_SEG_UPGRADE_H | History of management segment upgrade. |
GL_MOVEMERGE_ACCOUNTS | Mass maintenance request account mappings |
GL_MOVEMERGE_REQUESTS | Mass maintenance request definitions |
GL_NET_INCOME_ACCOUNTS | Net income accounts |
GL_OASIS_FIN_ASSIGNMENTS | Natural account value mappings for financial items |
GL_OASIS_FIN_ASSIGNMENTS_11I | Natural account value mappings for financial items |
GL_OASIS_FIN_ITEMS | Financial items |
GL_OASIS_FIN_ITEMS_11I | Financial items |
GL_OASIS_FIN_METRICS | The new table stores the summarized financial metrics. |
GL_OASIS_FIN_METRICS_11I | Summarized financial metrics |
GL_OASIS_SUMMARY_DATA | Summarized financial data needed for Business Intelligence System reports |
GL_PERIOD_SETS | Calendar definitions |
GL_PERIOD_STATUSES | Calendar period statuses |
GL_PERIOD_TYPES | Calendar period types |
GL_PERIODS | Calendar period definitions |
GL_POSTING_INTERIM | Posting interim balances |
GL_RECURRING_BATCHES | Recurring journal entry and budget formula batches |
GL_RECURRING_HEADERS | Recurring journal entry and budget formula headers |
GL_RECURRING_LINE_CALC_RULES | Recurring journal entry and budget formula lines |
GL_RECURRING_LINES | Recurring journal entry and recurring budget formula target lines |
GL_REVAL_ACCOUNT_RANGES | Revaluation account ranges |
GL_REVALUATION | Revaluation default gain/loss account |
GL_REVALUATION_ACCOUNTS | Revaluation account ranges |
GL_REVALUATIONS | Revaluation definitions |
GL_ROLLUP_GROUP_SCORES | Rollup group usages |
GL_ROW_MULTIPLIERS | Constant row multipliers |
GL_RX_TRIAL_BALANCE_ITF | Interface table for country-specific trial balance reports |
GL_SEGMENT_FREQUENCIES | Segment value and period usages |
GL_SEGVAL_INHERIT_HISTORY | Segment value inheritance history |
GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS | Set of books definitions |
GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS_11I | Set of books definitions |
GL_SHARES_ACTIVITY | Stock split or dividend |
GL_SHARES_OUTSTANDING | Number of shares outstanding |
GL_STAT_ACCOUNT_UOM | Statistical units of measure |
GL_STORAGE_PARAMETERS | Interim table storage parameters |
GL_SUMMARY_HIERARCHIES | Child segment value ranges for summary templates |
GL_SUMMARY_HIERARCHY_INT | Interim segment value hierarchy changes for Incremental Add/Delete Summary Templates |
GL_SUMMARY_INTERIM | Temporary table for Summarization |
GL_SUMMARY_TEMPLATES | Summary account templates |
GL_SUSPENSE_ACCOUNTS | Additional suspense accounts for source/category combinations |
GL_SYSTEM_SETUP | System setup information |
GL_SYSTEM_SETUP_11I | System setup information |
GL_SYSTEM_USAGES | System feature usage |
GL_TAX_OPTION_ACCOUNTS | Setup tax options for natural account values |
GL_TAX_OPTIONS | Setup tax options |
GL_TEMPORARY_COMBINATIONS | Newly created account combinations |
GL_TRACK_DELTA_BALANCES | GL_TRACK_DELTA_BALANCES stores information about requests to track incremental balances using the GL_BALANCES_DELTA table. |
GL_TRANSACTION_CALENDAR | Transaction calendar definitions |
GL_TRANSACTION_DATES | Business vs. non-business days for transaction calendars |
GL_TRANSLATION_INTERIM | Foreign currency translated interim balances |
GL_TRANSLATION_RATES | Foreign currency translation rates |
GL_TRANSLATION_RATES_11I | Foreign currency translation rates |
GL_TRANSLATION_STATUSES | Foreign currency translation status of periods |
GL_TRANSLATION_TRACKING | Foreign currency translation history |
GL_UPDATE_RECOVERY_H | Updated columns history for update recovery |
GL_USSGL_ACCOUNT_PAIRS | USSGL account pairings |
GL_WEIGHTED_AVG_DETAILS | No longer used |
GL_XFR_CALENDAR_MAPPINGS | This table is used to store calendar mappings between EBS and Fusion ledger. |
GL_XFR_CCID_MAPPINGS | This table contains the account mappings for each period for a ledger mapping. |
GL_XFR_INTERFACE | This table is a custom version of the gl_interface table for use by the balance transfer. |
GL_XFR_LED_MAP_PERIODS | This table contains the transfer information for each period that has been transferred for a ledger mapping. |
GL_XFR_LEDGER_BSV_MAPS | Stores specific Balancing segment values of a Fusion Ledger that can be used for booking balances by the external instances. |
GL_XFR_LEDGER_MAPPINGS | This table is used to store ledger mappings between EBS and Fusion ledger. |
GL_XFR_PERIOD_MAPPINGS | Uses Calendar Mapping Id and stores mapping between EBS periods to Fusion Periods. |
GL_XFR_SOURCE_SYSTEMS | Stores the list of External Instances with URL info that will be used to drill down from Fusion GL balances to the external instance |
GL_XFR_SYSTEM_LEDGERS | Stores the list of Fusion Ledgers with their corresponding BSV assignment type. |
GL_XFR_TRACKING | This table contains the tracking information that Golden Gate will use to launch Journal Import. |
Create Accounting for a Payment generates errors 95333 and 95359 Error: 95333: A conversion rate does not exist to convert USD to AUD for the conversion type Corporate and conversion date 20-MAR-09 for line -25. Please use the Daily Rates form in General Ledger to enter a conversion rate for these currencies, conversion date and conversion type. 95359: There is no accounted amount for the subledger journal entry line. Please inform your system administrator or support representative that: The source assigned to the accounting attribute Accounted Amount has no value for extract line number 88547. Please make sure the source assigned to the accounting attribute Accounted Amount has a valid value, or assign a different source to this accounting attribute. Solution: 1. Specify a conversion rate for the currencies and conversion date mentioned in the error message 95333 Navigation under the General Ledger responsibility: Setup > Currencies > Currency Rates Manager > Daily Rates ...
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