Mapping between GL and XLA tables
Assumption is
GL Entry Summarization: Summarize (By GL Date or Period)
JLT – Transfer to GL: Detail
Expected behavior is: Summarize Entries at GL_JE_HEADERS and detail at GL_JE_LINES
Refer to following post as how this is determine
- Relation between GL_JE_BATCHES and XLA_AE_HEADERS
A.1) Group_id column subledger(XLA_AE_HEADER) mapped group_id
- Gl_je_batches.group_id => xla_ae_headers.group_id
- 1 group id will have many xla_ae_headers rows
- 1 group id will have 1 or many periods in xla_ae_headers
- 1 group id will have 1 or many ledger id in xla_ae_headers
- Ideally there shouldn’t be any rows in xla_ae_headers with null group_id
- 1 group id and 1 period(GL Period) in xla_ae_headers will make 1 batch in GL_JE_BATCH
- Since 1 group id in xla ae headers can have multiple periods so 1 group id in xla_ae_headers can have multiple batches in gl_je_batches
A.2) Group_id column in GL_JE_BATCHES that does NOT mapped to subledger (XLA_AE_HEADER) group_id
- 1 group id will have multiple GL batches or je_batch_id
- Ideally 1 group id and 1 period will make 1 journal batch but since mostly these are manual journal batches created through spreadsheet tool (Web ADI) here 1 group id, 1 period and 1 batch name in spreadsheet uploader will make one batch in GL_JE_BATCHES.
- Group_id in GL_JE_BATCHES could be null for manually created batched through front end, please not these manually created journals are different from spreadsheet uploaded manual journals.
- Relation between GL_JE_HEADERS with XLA_AE_HEADERS and XLA_AE_LINES
- Here XLA_AE_HEADERS and XLA_AE_LINES will together create GL_JE_HEADER record.
- XLA_AE_HEADERS and XLA_AE_LINES will be summarize as follows to create journal header or 1 row in GL_JE_HEADER
Source => either from XLA_AE_HEADERS or XLA_AE_LINES
Category=> Category from XLA_AE_HEADERS (Please note AP and GL category are not same)
Ledger=> either from XLA_AE_HEADERS or XLA_AE_LINES
Period=> Period from XLA_AE_HEADERS
Currency=> Currency_Code from XLA_AE_LINES
- Relation between GL_JE_LINES with XLA_AE_HEADERS and XLA_AE_LINES
- Here XLA_AE_HEADERS and XLA_AE_LINES will together create lines in GL_JE_LINES table.
- XLA_AE_HEADERS and XLA_AE_LINES will be summarize as follows to create journal line or 1 row in GL_JE_LINES
Ledger=> either from XLA_AE_HEADERS or XLA_AE_LINES
Period=> Period from XLA_AE_HEADERS
GL Code => code_combination_id from XLA_AE_LINES
Entered_Dr=> Entered_Dr from XLA_AE_LINES
Entered_Cr=> Entered_Cr from XLA_AE_LINES
Accounted_Dr=> Entered_Dr from XLA_AE_LINES
Accounted_Cr=> Entered_Cr from XLA_AE_LINES
Description=> may match to description from XLA_AE_LINES if it is detailed je line type, if it is summarize then it may not match.
- The Link between GL to SLA and reference columns in GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES
Please refer to following post for these details.
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