1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION APPS.xxcb_get_asset_accum_deprn( v_asset_num NUMBER, v_deprn_type varchar2, l_future_period number) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS -- l_rem_deprn_period number; l_asset_id number; l_current_deprn_period number; l_no_of_deprn_period number; -- to be calculated l_total_depreciation number; l_monthly_depreciation number; l_ytd_depreciation number; l_accum_depreciation number; l_total_sum_depreciation number; l_asset_cost number; -- BEGIN -- --Get asset id select asset_id into l_asset_id from fa_additions_b where asset_number = v_asset_num;
begin --1) Get remaining period of the asset --2) Get Current Period of Asset Depeciation --3) Get asset depreciation of current period or as of Jun-06 --4) Get accumulated depreciation as of current period --5) Get YTD Depreciation of Asset --6) Get Asset Cost select DECODE (books.period_counter_fully_retired,NULL, GREATEST( NVL (books.life_in_months, 0)- round(MONTHS_BETWEEN (nvl(fdp.PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE,fdp.PERIOD_OPEN_DATE),books.prorate_date)),0),0) rem_deprn_period, substr(fdp.period_name,1,2) Current_Period_Of_Asset, decode(gl_code.segment1, 10,dep_sum.SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT,(select dep_mc_sum.SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT from fa_mc_deprn_summary dep_mc_sum where dep_mc_sum.asset_id = fab.asset_id and dep_mc_sum.set_of_books_id = 2025 and dep_mc_sum.period_counter = dep_sum.period_counter)) deprn_current_period, decode(gl_code.segment1, 10,dep_sum.deprn_reserve,(select dep_mc_sum.deprn_reserve from fa_mc_deprn_summary dep_mc_sum where dep_mc_sum.asset_id = fab.asset_id and dep_mc_sum.set_of_books_id = 2025 and dep_mc_sum.period_counter = dep_sum.period_counter)) accum_deprn_current_period, nvl(decode(gl_code.segment1, 10,(select dep_sum_ytd.ytd_deprn from fa_deprn_summary dep_sum_ytd where dep_sum_ytd.asset_id = fab.asset_id and dep_sum_ytd.deprn_run_date = (select max(deprn_run_date) from fa_deprn_summary a,fa_deprn_periods b where a.asset_id = fab.asset_id and a.period_counter = b.period_counter and b.fiscal_year = '2017')),(select dep_mc_sum.ytd_deprn from fa_mc_deprn_summary dep_mc_sum where dep_mc_sum.asset_id = fab.asset_id and dep_mc_sum.set_of_books_id = 2025 and dep_mc_sum.deprn_run_date = (select max(deprn_run_date) from fa_mc_deprn_summary a,fa_deprn_periods b where a.asset_id = fab.asset_id and a.set_of_books_id = 2025 and a.period_counter = b.period_counter and b.fiscal_year = '2017'))),0) Year_To_Date_Depreciation, decode( gl_code.segment1,10,books.cost,(select mc_book.cost from fa_mc_books mc_book where mc_book.asset_id = fab.asset_id and mc_book.date_ineffective is null and mc_book.transaction_header_id_out is null and set_of_books_id = 2025)) Acquisition_Cost into l_rem_deprn_period, l_current_deprn_period, l_monthly_depreciation, l_accum_depreciation, l_ytd_depreciation, l_asset_cost from fa_additions_b fab, fa_additions_tl fat, fa_distribution_history fdh, gl_code_combinations_kfv gl_code, fa_books books, fa_categories_b fcb, fa_category_book_defaults fcbd, fa_deprn_summary dep_sum, fa_deprn_periods fdp, fa_locations loc where fab.asset_id = fdh.asset_id and fdh.code_combination_id = gl_code.code_combination_id and fab.asset_id = fat.asset_id and fab.asset_id = books.asset_id and books.date_ineffective is null and books.transaction_header_id_out is null and books.book_type_code = 'US_CB CORP' and fab.asset_category_id = fcb.category_id and fcbd.category_id = fcb.category_id and fcbd.book_type_code = 'US_CB CORP' and fcbd.end_dpis is null and books.asset_id = dep_sum.asset_id and dep_sum.period_counter=fdp.period_counter --and fdp.period_name = '06-2017' and dep_sum.deprn_run_date = (select max(deprn_run_date) from fa_deprn_summary where asset_id = fab.asset_id and book_type_code = 'US_CB CORP') and fdp.book_type_code = 'US_CB CORP' and fdh.location_id = loc.location_id and fdh.date_ineffective is null and fab.asset_type = 'CAPITALIZED' and fab.asset_id=l_asset_id; -- end;
-- No of period depreciation to be calculated l_no_of_deprn_period:= l_future_period -l_current_deprn_period;
-- Calculate depreciation amount from current period to end of Dec-2017 if (l_rem_deprn_period < l_no_of_deprn_period) then -- l_total_depreciation := l_monthly_depreciation * l_rem_deprn_period; -- else -- l_total_depreciation := l_monthly_depreciation * l_no_of_deprn_period; -- end if; -- if v_deprn_type = 'ACCUM' then -- Calculate total accumulated depreciation until Dec-2017 l_total_sum_depreciation := l_accum_depreciation + l_total_depreciation; -- if (l_total_sum_depreciation > l_asset_cost) then -- l_total_sum_depreciation := l_asset_cost; -- end if; --
elsif v_deprn_type = 'YTD' then -- Calculate total YTD depreciation until Dec-2017 l_total_sum_depreciation := l_ytd_depreciation + l_total_depreciation; -- end if; -- RETURN l_total_sum_depreciation; -- END; /
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