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Oracle R12 EBTax profile options

Set values for E-Business Tax profile options to control the availability of certain tax options and to maintain your Vertex or Taxware installation.
The table in this section summarizes E-Business Tax profile option information:
  • The Default column displays either the default profile option value in italics, or No Default if none exists.
  • The User Access column indicates whether you can view or update the profile option.
  • The System Administration: Site, Application, Responsibility, and User columns indicate at which levels the system administrator can update these profile options.
The key for this table is:
  • Update: You can update the profile option.
  • View Only: You can view the profile option but cannot change it.
  • No Access: You cannot view or change the profile option.

Profile OptionDefaultUser AccessSystem Administration: SiteSystem Administration: ApplicationSystem Administration: ResponsibilitySystem Administration: User
eBTax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax ChangesYesNo AccessUpdateUpdateUpdateNo Access
eBTax: Allow Manual Tax LinesYesNo AccessUpdateUpdateUpdateNo Access
eBTax: Allow Override of Customer ExemptionsYesNo AccessUpdateUpdateUpdateNo Access
eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Classification CodeYesNo AccessUpdateUpdateUpdateNo Access
eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Recovery RateNo DefaultNo AccessUpdateUpdateUpdateNo Access
eBTax: Inventory Item for FreightFreight ChargeNo AccessUpdateUpdateUpdateNo Access
eBTax: Invoice Freight as RevenueNoNo AccessUpdateUpdateUpdateNo Access
eBTax: Read/Write Access to GCO DataYesNo AccessUpdateUpdateUpdateNo Access
eBTax Taxware: Service IndicatorNon-ServiceView OnlyUpdateNo AccessNo AccessNo Access
eBTax Taxware: Tax SelectionJurisdiction and TaxView OnlyUpdateNo AccessNo AccessNo Access
eBTax Taxware: Use NexproNoNo AccessUpdateNo AccessNo AccessNo Access
eBTax Vertex: Case SensitiveYesView OnlyUpdateNo AccessNo AccessNo Access

eBTax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes

The eBTax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes profile option controls which users can make ad hoc tax changes on the transaction line, such as selecting a different tax status or tax rate. The changes that a user can make also depend upon the details of the applicable tax setups.
If the tax rate associated with a tax has the Allow Ad Hoc Rate option enabled, then users can override the calculated tax rate on the transaction line.

eBTax: Allow Manual Tax Lines

The eBTax: Allow Manual Tax Lines profile option controls which users can enter manual tax lines on the transaction for the tax setups that allow this update.
If the tax configuration has the related options enabled, then users can enter manual tax lines on the transaction for the applicable tax.
The related tax setups are:
  • Taxes: Allow Entry of Manual Tax Lines
  • Configuration Owner Tax Options:
    • Allow Entry of Manual Tax Lines
    • Allow Manual Tax Only Lines

eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions

The eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions profile option controls the display of the Tax Handling field on the transaction line. You use the Tax Handling field to apply and update customer tax exemptions to transactions.
If you set the eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions profile option to Yes, you must also complete the related setups for tax exemptions.

eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Classification Code

The eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Classification Code profile option controls whether users can update the tax classification code that is defaulted to the transaction line.
E-Business Tax defaults the tax classification code to the transaction line according to the defaulting hierarchy defined for the operating unit and application.

eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Recovery Rate

The eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Recovery Rate profile option controls which users can enter or update the calculated tax recovery rates on the transaction for the tax recovery rate setups that allow this update.
If the tax recovery rate associated with a tax has the Allow Ad Hoc Rate option enabled, then users can override the calculated tax recovery rate on the transaction.
The meaning of ad hoc entry of tax recovery rates differs according to the source application for the transaction:
  • Payables - The user can only select another previously defined recovery rate for the tax.
  • Procurement - The user can either select another previously defined recovery rate for the tax or enter a new recovery rate.

eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight (Oracle Order Management only)

The eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight profile option lets Order Management use an Inventory item defined as Freight on Receivables transaction lines. You can use the freight Inventory item to control the tax rate on taxable freight amounts.
The values for this profile option are:
  • Freight Charge - The freight Inventory item applies to external Receivables transactions.
  • Freight for Intercompany - The freight Inventory item applies to internal Receivables transactions only.
You must also set the eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue profile option to Yes.
Note: You may also need to set the OE: Item Validation Organization profile option.

eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue (Oracle Order Management only)

The eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue profile option controls whether to consider freight amounts as taxable line items.
Set the eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue profile option to Yes, if you are required to tax freight amounts. The freight amounts entered in the Order Management Ship Confirm window are then passed to Receivables transactions as taxable line items.
If you set the eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue profile option to Yes, you must also set the eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight profile option.

eBTax: Read/Write Access to GCO Data

The eBTax: Read/Write Access to GCO Data profile option controls whether users can set up tax configuration data for the global configuration owner.
If you set the eBTax: Read/Write Access to GCO Data profile option to Yes, then the applicable users can set up taxes and related configuration data for the global configuration owner. Legal entities and operating units can then share the global configuration owner tax setups.

eBTax Taxware: Service Indicator

The eBTax Taxware: Service Indicator profile option indicates whether taxes are calculated on service or a rental transactions.
The Taxware API parameter that accepts this profile option value is JurLink.ServInd.
The values for this profile option are:
  • Service - Service transaction.
  • Rental - Rental transaction.
  • Space - Non-service transaction.

eBTax Taxware: Tax Selection

The eBTax Taxware: Tax Selection profile option indicates whether Taxware uses jurisdiction-level jurisdiction codes to calculate taxes.
The Taxware API parameter that accepts this value is TaxSelParm of Taxfn_Tax010.
The values for this profile option are:
  • Tax only - Taxware calculates tax based on the ship-to address only.
  • Jurisdiction and Tax - Taxware calculates tax based on all jurisdiction information, including ship-to, ship-from, point of order origin (POO), and point of order acceptance (POA).

eBTax Taxware: Use Nexpro

The eBTax Taxware: Use Nexpro profile option indicates whether Taxware uses the Nexpro functionality. If you enable this option, additional configuration is required on the Taxware side of the integration to achieve nexus-based taxation.
The Taxware API parameter that accepts this value is TaxLink.UseNexproInd.

eBTax Vertex: Case Sensitive

the eBTax Vertex: Case Sensitive profile option enables case-sensitive searches of Vertex tax calculation data. The default value is Yes.
Set this profile option if you intend to use Vertex to calculate tax on transactions.


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