This table provides a checklist of the mandatory and optional implementation steps in other applications for E-Business Tax. Some optional implementation steps may be conditionally mandatory, depending on your overall setup. Note: You must have access to the system administrator responsibility to perform many of these tasks.
Setting Up Tax UsersSet up your tax users and assign each user a tax-related responsibility. Oracle E-Business Tax provides these seeded responsibilities:
Related Topics Responsibilities Window, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide – Security Users Window, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide – Security Menus Window, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide – Security Data Access Sets, Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide Setting Profile Option ValuesSet values for E-Business Tax profile options to control the availability of certain tax options and to maintain your Vertex or Taxware installation.The table in this section summarizes E-Business Tax profile option information:
eBTax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax ChangesThe eBTax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes profile option controls which users can make ad hoc tax changes on the transaction line, such as selecting a different tax status or tax rate. The changes that a user can make also depend upon the details of the applicable tax setups.If the tax rate associated with a tax has the Allow Ad Hoc Rate option enabled, then users can override the calculated tax rate on the transaction line. See: Setting Up Tax Rates, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. eBTax: Allow Manual Tax LinesThe eBTax: Allow Manual Tax Lines profile option controls which users can enter manual tax lines on the transaction for the tax setups that allow this update.If the tax configuration has the related options enabled, then users can enter manual tax lines on the transaction for the applicable tax. The related tax setups are:
eBTax: Allow Override of Customer ExemptionsThe eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions profile option controls the display of the Tax Handling field on the transaction line. You use the Tax Handling field to apply and update customer tax exemptions to transactions.If you set the eBTax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions profile option to Yes, you must also complete the related setups for tax exemptions. eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Classification CodeThe eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Classification Code profile option controls whether users can update the tax classification code that is defaulted to the transaction line.E-Business Tax defaults the tax classification code to the transaction line according to the defaulting hierarchy defined for the operating unit and application. See: Using Application Tax Options, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Recovery RateThe eBTax: Allow Override of Tax Recovery Rate profile option controls which users can enter or update the calculated tax recovery rates on the transaction for the tax recovery rate setups that allow this update.If the tax recovery rate associated with a tax has the Allow Ad Hoc Rate option enabled, then users can override the calculated tax recovery rate on the transaction. The meaning of ad hoc entry of tax recovery rates differs according to the source application for the transaction:
eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight (Oracle Order Management only)The eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight profile option lets Order Management use an Inventory item defined as Freight on Receivables transaction lines. You can use the freight Inventory item to control the tax rate on taxable freight amounts.The values for this profile option are:
Note: You may also need to set the OE: Item Validation Organization profile option. eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue (Oracle Order Management only)The eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue profile option controls whether to consider freight amounts as taxable line items.Set the eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue profile option to Yes, if you are required to tax freight amounts. The freight amounts entered in the Order Management Ship Confirm window are then passed to Receivables transactions as taxable line items. If you set the eBTax: Invoice Freight as Revenue profile option to Yes, you must also set the eBTax: Inventory Item for Freight profile option. eBTax: Read/Write Access to GCO DataThe eBTax: Read/Write Access to GCO Data profile option controls whether users can set up tax configuration data for the global configuration owner.If you set the eBTax: Read/Write Access to GCO Data profile option to Yes, then the applicable users can set up taxes and related configuration data for the global configuration owner. Legal entities and operating units can then share the global configuration owner tax setups. See: Configuration Options in Oracle E-Business Tax, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. eBTax Taxware: Service IndicatorThe eBTax Taxware: Service Indicator profile option indicates whether taxes are calculated on service or a rental transactions.The Taxware API parameter that accepts this profile option value is JurLink.ServInd. The values for this profile option are:
eBTax Taxware: Tax SelectionThe eBTax Taxware: Tax Selection profile option indicates whether Taxware uses jurisdiction-level jurisdiction codes to calculate taxes.The Taxware API parameter that accepts this value is TaxSelParm of Taxfn_Tax010. The values for this profile option are:
eBTax Taxware: Use NexproThe eBTax Taxware: Use Nexpro profile option indicates whether Taxware uses the Nexpro functionality. If you enable this option, additional configuration is required on the Taxware side of the integration to achieve nexus-based taxation.The Taxware API parameter that accepts this value is TaxLink.UseNexproInd. See: Technical Reference, Oracle E-Business Tax: Vertex Q-Series and Taxware Sales/Use Tax System Implementation Guide for information about the Nexpro functionality. eBTax Vertex: Case Sensitivethe eBTax Vertex: Case Sensitive profile option enables case-sensitive searches of Vertex tax calculation data. The default value is Yes.Set this profile option if you intend to use Vertex to calculate tax on transactions. Setting Up Lookup CodesUse the Application Object Library Lookups window to maintain existing lookup codes and define additional lookup codes for E-Business Tax lookup types.Note: E-Business Tax does not perform validation on updated or disabled lookups. If you want to disable, update, or apply an end date to an E-Business Tax lookup type, please ensure that the applicable values are not in use in the E-Business Tax setup. ZX_INPUT_CLASSIFICATIONS and ZX_OUTPUT_CLASSIFICATIONSUse the ZX_INPUT_CLASSIFICATIONS and ZX_OUTPUT_CLASSIFICATIONS lookup types to create tax classification codes for use in tax determination.Release 11i tax codes and tax groups migrate to E-Business Tax as tax classification codes. Payables and Purchasing tax codes migrate as tax classification codes under ZX_INPUT_CLASSIFICATIONS. Receivables and Projects tax codes migrate as tax classification codes under ZX_OUTPUT_CLASSIFICATIONS. You can set up additional tax classification codes for use with a migrated tax data model or as an additional determining factor in tax determination. ZX_WEB_EXP_TAX_CLASSIFICATIONSUse the ZX_WEB_EXP_TAX_CLASSIFICATIONS lookup type to create tax classification codes for use in tax determination for transactions originating from Internet Expenses.ZX_EXEMPTION_REASON_CODEUse the ZX_EXEMPTION_REASON_CODE lookup to create exemption reason lookup code for use in tax exemptions. The exemption reason is a user-defined code that lets you monitor the use of customer or product tax exemptions issued by the tax authority and applied to specific transactions.When you set up a tax exemption, you can use the exemption reason to identify the reason for this exemption or to monitor a customer's application for an exemption. At transaction time, E-Business Tax only considers certain tax exemptions if the exemption reason and certificate number entered on the transaction line match the exemption definition. ZX_JEBE_VAT_TRANS_TYPEUse the ZX_JEBE_VAT_TRANS_TYPE lookup type to create tax transaction types for use with tax rate codes. You use transaction types when you set up a tax rate.Tax rate transaction types represent local tax authority codes both for reporting purposes and for controlling which rates appear on an invoice. See: Setting Up Tax Rates, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. ZX_REGISTRATIONS_REASONUse the ZX_REGISTRATIONS_REASON lookup type to create tax registration reason codes. You use registration reason codes when you set up a tax registration to represent the reason for the tax registration.The tax registration reason code is for tax reporting purposes only. See: Setting Up a Tax Registration, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. ZX_REGISTRATIONS_TYPEUse the ZX_REGISTRATIONS_TYPE lookup type to create tax registration type codes. You use tax registration type codes when you set up a tax registration to organize your tax registrations into categories.E-Business Tax provides these seeded tax registration types: CNPJ; CPF; CUIL; CUIT; DNI; NIT; OTHERS; VAT. The tax registration types CPF, CNPJ, and OTHERS are used in tax registration number validation for Brazil. All other seeded tax registration types, and the tax registration types that you define, are for tax reporting purposes only. See: Setting Up a Tax Registration, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. ZX_REGISTRATION_STATUSUse the ZX_REGISTRATION_STATUS lookup type to create tax registration status codes. You use tax registration status codes as determining factors in tax rules.E-Business Tax provides these seeded tax registration types:
ZX_TAX_TYPE_CATEGORYUse the ZX_TAX_TYPE_CATEGORY lookup type to create tax types. You use tax types when you set up a tax.You can use tax types to classifies taxes for tax reporting purposes. See: Setting Up Taxes, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. The ZX_TAX_TYPE_CATEGORY lookup type contained these seeded tax types:
Setting Up TCA Geography HierarchySet up and maintain the TCA geography hierarchy for each country where you have a tax requirement. The TCA geography hierarchy provides a single reference source for all geographical and location-based information for all E-Business Suite applications.You use the TCA geography hierarchy in these cases:
Setting Up Real-Time Address Validation, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide Administrating Geography Hierarchy, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide Geography Name Referencing Process, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide Setting Up Legal EntityUse the Legal Entity Configurator to set up these parties:
If you set up country default controls for the countries where you do business, then the applicable tax regime and tax values default to the legal establishment tax registration record. See: Setting Up Country Default Controls, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. Setting Up Legal EntitiesSet up the legal entities that represent your company. You must set up your company as a legal entity before you can perform these tax-related setups:
After you set up legal entities, set up the legal establishments that belong to the legal entity. Setting Up First Party Legal EstablishmentsSet up a legal establishment record for each office, service center, warehouse and any other location within the company that requires a registration with a tax authority for one or more taxes. You set up legal establishments under a parent legal entity.When you set up legal establishments, you can also perform these tax-related setups:
Setting Up Legal AuthoritiesSet up a legal authority record for each tax authority that administers taxes in a tax regime where you do business. While not mandatory, you can set up legal authority records before you perform these tax-related setups:
Applying End Dates to Legal EntitiesIf you apply an end date to a legal entity or legal establishment, you must manually apply the same end date to any related E-Business Tax entities that refer to the legal entity or establishment.
Setting Up Operating UnitsSet up the operating units that you need to process your tax transactions. An operating unit is an organization that uses Oracle Cash Management, Order Management and Shipping Execution, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, or Oracle Receivables.For tax-related transactions:
Related Topics Updating Establishments, Oracle Financials Implementation Guide Setting Up Accounts and Accounting InformationSet up accounts and accounting information for your tax transactions. You must set up and maintain accounting information before you can set up tax accounts for the applicable operating units. You set up tax accounts by operating unit for taxes, tax rates, tax jurisdictions, tax recovery rates, and tax registrations of first party legal establishments. See: Setting Up Tax Accounts, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information.Review and complete these accounting setup tasks according to your requirements:
Setting Up General Ledger, Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide Creating Accounting Setups, Oracle Financials Implementation Guide Setting Up TCA ClassificationsSet up TCA classifications to classify third parties for tax purposes. You can define a TCA class category and class codes specifically for use in tax determination. You can also use standard classifications, such as the US Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, and assign these codes a party fiscal classification.You must set up and maintain TCA classifications before you can perform these tax-related setups:
Classifications Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide Administering Classifications, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide Setting Up Oracle InventoryUse the Inventory Item Category functionality in Oracle Inventory to model product fiscal classifications. You can create either a single product fiscal classification type or a hierarchy of product fiscal classification types that matches the segments of the Inventory category.You can either use existing Inventory category sets or set up new Inventory category sets for use with product fiscal classifications. After you set up Inventory item categories and associate them with product fiscal classifications, the corresponding product fiscal classification code defaults to the transaction line for any item that belongs to the inventory category set. See: Setting Up Product Fiscal Classifications, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. You can also specify a default Inventory category set for a given country. The Inventory category associated with the item for this default category set defaults to the transaction line. See: Setting Up Country Default Controls, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. To model Inventory item categories for product fiscal classifications, you create categories and category sets and associate product fiscal classification types to the Inventory item category set. The Inventory setup tasks to model product fiscal classifications are:
Define Inventory Value SetDefine a value set with the value type that the segments of the item category structure will use. Select a value type for the product fiscal classification codes that you intend to define, for example, alphanumeric code or numeric codes.Define Inventory Item Category StructureDefine a category structure for the Inventory category set that you will use to create product fiscal classification types. If you are modeling a hierarchical classification system, then create a segment for each level in the hierarchy.Set subcategory segments as Not Required. Define Category SetDefine a category set for the category structure that you created. Use a naming convention that corresponds to the product fiscal classification type that you intend to create.Define Inventory CategoriesDefine the values for each segment of the category structure. The values represent the product fiscal classification codes.This is a sample representation of numeric codes for the Brazilian CNAE and NCM product fiscal classification:
Associate Inventory Items to Category SetsAssign one or more Inventory categories belonging to the category set to the Inventory items that you intend to use on transactions.After you set up an Inventory item category set, use E-Business Tax to set up one or more product fiscal classification types and associate them with the Inventory item category set. If you are setting up a hierarchy of product fiscal classification types, define the starting point and the number of digits that make up each level code value in the hierarchy. See: Setting Up Product Fiscal Classifications, Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide for more information. |
Create Accounting for a Payment generates errors 95333 and 95359 Error: 95333: A conversion rate does not exist to convert USD to AUD for the conversion type Corporate and conversion date 20-MAR-09 for line -25. Please use the Daily Rates form in General Ledger to enter a conversion rate for these currencies, conversion date and conversion type. 95359: There is no accounted amount for the subledger journal entry line. Please inform your system administrator or support representative that: The source assigned to the accounting attribute Accounted Amount has no value for extract line number 88547. Please make sure the source assigned to the accounting attribute Accounted Amount has a valid value, or assign a different source to this accounting attribute. Solution: 1. Specify a conversion rate for the currencies and conversion date mentioned in the error message 95333 Navigation under the General Ledger responsibility: Setup > Currencies > Currency Rates Manager > Daily Rates ...
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