Error1 - Showing batch control total violation
The batch totals do not match the entered batch control amount.
You need to enter the correct amounts in lines or correct the batch control total.
Error2 - Selected for posting to an unopened period
The GL period is not open.
You need to open the GL periods of the journals and the reversal periods if populated in the journal.
You may also want to change the journal period (in the Enter Journals form there is a button for that). Then you should follow steps 5 and 6 above.
Error3 - Showing no journal entries for this batch
The batch has no unposted journal headers.
You need to review the General Ledger Journal Data Collection Test as advised in step 4 above, and check the status of the batch, journals and lines.
If there are no journals or lines then you need to enter journals with lines or delete the batch in the Review Batch window.
If the headers or lines are already posted (status='P') but the batch is not, then you may have a data corruption and you should log a Service Request for support.
Error4 - Showing journal control total violation
The journal totals do not match the entered journal control amount.
You need to enter the correct amounts in lines or correct the journal control total. If you don't want to use the control then you can leave this field blank.
Error5 - Showing multiple problems preventing posting of batch
Currently this error should not occur. If it does then you need to review the General Ledger Journal Data Collection Test as advised in step 4 above, and check the status of the batch, journals and lines.
Error6 - Showing an unbalanced journal entry but suspense not allowed
The journal is unbalanced (total debits not matching total credits). For a journal to be posted it must be balanced or the suspense posting must be enabled.
a) If you do not want to enable suspense posting then you need to correct the amounts or enter any missing lines.
· In functional currency journals: the Entered_Dr should equal the Entered_Cr and the Accounted_Dr should equal the Accounted_Cr
· In foreign currency journals: you will only be able to change the converted columns if the profile 'Journals: Allow Multiple Exchange Rates' is set to Yes, otherwise the amounts are converted using the currency rate.
b) In case the lines are correct but for some reason the totals got incorrect, you can correct them using the Change Currency button to convert to a different currency and then change it back to the original.
c) If the case is with imported journals and is not possible to update them then please see Document 856708.1: R12: Imported Journal getting Error6 Status when Posting.
d) If the journals are cross-currency journals (invoices and payments or receipts in different currencies) then you need to enter the suspense account (even if the suspense accounting is not enabled) because the system segregates the journals by currency and the suspense account is useed to balance each currency journal. In the end the suspense account is balanced.
e) The bugs referred in alert Document 1376579.1 can cause missing imported lines, i.e. incomplete unbalanced journals, or lines flagged as processed in the interface but no corresponding journal.
In this cases you need to log a Service Request for support to provide a datafix.
1. to delete the batch, the journal header and the journal lines/references
2. check that all the lines still exist in the interface
3. update all the batch lines in the interface to status 'NEW'
4. install the required RDBMS patch (see Document 1376579.1 )
5. run journal import again
Error7 - Showing invalid journal entry lines or no journal entry lines
The journal have lines with invalid accounts, or does not have unposted lines. You need to review the General Ledger Journal Data Collection Test as advised in step 4 above, and check the headers and lines of journals and correct them.
The field STATUS in the GL_JE_HEADERS may give important information about the problem:
- : Bad rounding account
> : Reserved for country specific functionality
< : Reserved for country specific functionality
U : Unposted
P : Posted
1 : Invalid currency code
2 : Invalid source
3 : Invalid category
4 : Invalid set of books
5 : Invalid set of books
6 : (Actual) Unopened period
6 : (Budget) Invalid budget version
6 : (Encumbrance) Invalid encumbrance type
7 : Invalid entry
8 : Invalid entry
A : Code combination does not exist
B : Multiple lines have code combination error
C : Code combination: detail posting not allowed
D : Multiple lines have code combination error
E : Multiple lines have code combination error
F : Code combination not enabled
G : Multiple lines have code combination error
H : Multiple lines have code combination error
I : Multiple lines have code combination error
J : Code combination not yet effective (date)
K : Multiple lines have code combination error
L : Multiple lines have code combination error
M : Code combination past effective date
N : Multiple lines have code combination error
O : Multiple lines have code combination error
Q : Multiple lines have code combination error
R : Multiple lines have code combination error
T : Multiple lines have code combination error
V : Multiple lines have code combination error
Z : Multiple lines have code combination error
a) If the journal has no lines you may wish to delete it in the Review Journals window.
b) This is usually due to invalid accounts used in the journal entry. When you try to query the journal it may show "posting is not allowed for this account". You should check if the combination exists and is enabled and valid and the qualifiers allow posting to it. Check also the natural account segment value.
You may need to act on the code combination or else change the journal line account.
Error8 - Showing unbalanced encumbrance entry without reserve account
Encumbrance journals can be unbalanced when posting, but the system will generate the required entries to balance it using the Reserve for Encumbrances account defined in the Ledger or Set f Books.
Remember to check this setup in the Reporting Currency ledgers or set of books and also in Secondary ledgers associated.
The reporting Ledger should inherit the account from the primary ledger, so if the value for this account is null in the reporting ledger please log a service request to get a fix. This can happen when the Primary and its Reporting Currency Ledger are created together from Create Accounting Setup page and the Primary Ledger is Budgetary Control enabled but the Reporting Currency Ledger (at subledger level) is not.
Error9 - Showing an encumbrance journal entry with no encumbrance type
Encumbrance journals must have an encumbrance type assigned, which is missing.
Unknown cause, this is a very rare situation, probably due to unsupported updates to the data.
Eventually the log file of the posting process can show some clue for the problem.
Error10 - Showing unbalanced intercompany journal entry
When a journal has lines with accounts for multiple companies (balancing segment values) each company must be balanced (total debits must match total credits by each balancing segment value).
If Intercompany and Intracompany Balancing is enabled it will try to create the required balancing lines using the defined intercompany or intracompany accounts. This error may occur because for some reason the balancing lines were not generated. Note that in R12 the balancing lines for subledger entries are generated by the Subledger Accounting, not by GL Post.
a) You need to check your Intracompany and Intercompany Balancing setup.
b) In R12 Bug 8366631 can be causing the problem (when using very low currency exchange rates with small amounts). Ensure that the file glpiil.lpc has a version higher than:
· in R12.1.x: 120.22.12010000.3 (fix included in 12.1.2)
· in R12.0.x: 120.22.12000000.3 (you can use patch 8722654:R12.GL.A available in My Oracle Support)
You should also care to have installed the latest code for FUN balancing (for example Patch 16561439:R12.FUN.B) - please check Document 1337466.1: R12.1: Intercompany Transactions (AGIS) List of Patches.
c) Eventually you may need to manually enter the lines required to balance the journal by balancing segment value.
Note: The information for Error16 may be also useful in this case.
Error11 - Showing unbalanced journal entry by account category
This is probably caused by the setup of the profile option GL:Enforce Category Account Balancing, which, if set to Yes will enforce the journals to balanced not only by balancing segment but also by category.
If not using Public Sector Financials this is recommended to be set to No.
Error12 - Funds reservation failed
This occurs because budgetary control is enabled and at least one account in this journal was found not having enough funds available. This can happen to a detail account or to a summary account with the budgetary control enabled.
To see in detail what was the account and the problem you need to query the journal, go to the View Results (Budgetary Control Results window).
This error should not occur for journals that have the funds originally reserved in the subledger (for example POs and Payables Invoices). If this occurs then confirm the setup of the Profile option Budgetary Control Group is pointing to the correct Control Group and that this has the correct setup. You may also being effected by a bug as described in Document 885472.1: R12: GL Posting is Reserving again Funds of Journals with Funds already Reserved in Subledger.
Sometimes a batch can get stuck with Funds Reservation "In Process". If this is the case please execute the Budgetary Control Optimizer program - see Document 744405.1 (In 11i Review Document 1141794.1).
This error can also happen during posting if one account has been disabled or end dated.
Error13 - Showing invalid period and conversion information for this batch
Unknown cause. This is a very rare situation.
It probably is the result of unsupported updates to the data (possibly journal batch or header is using an incorrect period name).
You need to review the General Ledger Journal Data Collection Test as advised in step 4 above, and check the period names.
Eventually the log file of the posting process can show some clue for the problem.
Error14 - Showing journal entry with invalid or inactive suspense account
When a journal is unbalanced and you have enabled Suspense Posting, the posting program will try to balance the journal using the defined suspense account.
In this case the suspense account is undefined, disabled or invalid., and you need to review the possible account combinations (consider the balancing segment value used in the journal).
The log file of the posting process can show the required combination that is giving the problem.
Error15 - Showing encumbrance entry with invalid or inactive reserve account
Encumbrance journals can be unbalanced when posting, but the system will generate the required entries to balance it using the Reserve for Encumbrances account defined in the Ledger or Set f Books.
Remember to check this setup in the Reporting Currency ledgers or set of books and also in Secondary ledgers associated.
The log file of the posting process can show the required combination that is giving the problem.
You need to check if the Reserve for Encumbrance Account code combination exists (for the balancing value used in your journal), is enabled and valid for use (posting allowed and not secured by security or cross-validation rules). You can confirm by trying to enter a journal in the same period with the same user/responsibility with the same Reserve for Encumbrance account combination.
Error16 - Unable to balance intercompany accounts
When a journal has lines with accounts for multiple companies (balancing segment values) each company must be balanced (total debits must match total credits by each balancing segment value).
If Intercompany and Intracompany Balancing is enabled posting will try to create the required balancing lines using the defined intercompany or intracompany accounts.
This error may occur because for some reason the system wasn't able to generate the balancing lines. This is usually due to incomplete setup of the balancing rules.
Keep in mind that Intercompany Accounting is for transactions with balancing values pertaining to different Legal Entities and that Intracompany Accounting is for transactions using balancing values assigned to the same Legal Entity.
a) Check the security rules or the cross-validation rules and confirm that the system is allowed to use or create required intercompany/intracompany account code combinations for all the balancing segment values involved (this should show in the log file).
b) Confirm that the accounts required for balancing (probably referred in the log file) are valid, enabled and postable.
c) Check that the intracompany rules are defined for the Legal Entity values, and also for the "No Legal Entity" in case used balancing segment values are not assigned to any Legal Entity .
d) Check the Balancing Rules setup - one must be defined for your case. You may need to setup the All Other - All Other balancing rule for the Legal Entity or Ledger.
e) Please review the following for more information on the required setup:
· Document 604441.1: Setting Up Intracompany and Intercompany Accounting - an Example
· Document 579930.1: Intracompany Balancing In Release 12
f) You should also care to have installed the latest code for FUN balancing (for example Patch 16561439:R12.FUN.B) - please check Document 1337466.1: R12.1: Intercompany Transactions (AGIS) List of Patches.
Error17 - Showing untaxed journal entry
Sorry, no information available. This is a very rare situation.
Eventually the log file of the posting process can show some clue for the problem.
Error18 - Showing unapproved journal batch
Due to some bug it may be possible in certain conditions to submit a journal for posting, even if the approval is required but not yet approved. In that situation the posting will not occur anyway, as this error will be controlled.
· If you are on R12.0.x and the file GLXJEENT.fmb has a version lower than 120.81.12000000.32, then you need to install patch 8615644:R12.GL.A: Post Button is Enabled but Journal is not yet Approved, to avoid this problem.
· If you are on R12.1.x and the file GLXJEENT.fmb has a version lower than 120.83.12010000.18, then you need to install a patch with higher version, for example patch 9337221:R12.GL.B: Duplicate document number assigned in enter journal form.
· If it is related to a reversal journal, this may be caused by Bug:10310325 and you should review the solution in Document 1292214.1.
Error19 - Unopened reporting currency period
When posting a Journal in Primary Ledger, the reporting journal is trying to be generated/posted in the Reporting Ledger.
You need to open the period in the Reporting Ledgers
Error20 - Unopened reporting currency encumbrance year
When posting an Encumbrances Journal in a Primary or Secondary Ledger, the reporting journal is trying to be generated/posted in the Reporting Ledger associated.
This requires that you open the Encumbrances Year also in the Reporting Ledger.
Error21 - Unable to determine conversion rate to replicate journal
When posting a Journal in a Primary or Secondary Ledger, the reporting journal is trying to be generated/posted in the Reporting Ledger associated.
In case of foreign currency journals the system is not being able to determine the conversion rate.
a) The Daily Rates may have been defined only for the Primary Ledger rate type.
The Daily Rates must be defined for both Ledgers. Each Ledger may have a different rate type assigned (for example Spot in one Ledger and Corporate in the other), so the conversion rates for both rate types must be defined and must exist on the effective date of the journal, even when using the same currency.
b) Review the Reporting Currencies setup.
c) Another less frequent possible cause is incorrect data in table gl_ledger_relationships. Please review Document 1075714.1.
Error22 - Invalid or inactive rounding differences account in journal entry
The posting program is trying to book the rounding differences into the Rounding Differences Account. This account is defined in the Ledger Options (recommended for Subledger Accounting) to track small currency differences during currency conversion that would make the journal unbalanced.
If your foreign currency transactions include different balancing segment values, General Ledger and Subledger Accounting will automatically create a rounding differences account for each balancing segment value.
This error occurs because one of these rounding account code combinations cannot be used. The log file of the posting process may show the cause of the problem and the specific account.
You need to check if the Rounding Account code combination exists (for the balancing value used in your journal), is enabled and valid for use (posting allowed and not secured by security or cross-validation rules). You can confirm by trying to enter a journal in the same period with the same user/responsibility with the same account combination.
Note that this can occur for the Primary Ledger or for any of the other ledgers associated where the posing program is replicating journals (Secondary or Reporting), so you need to check if the problem is in any of them (if they exist).
Error23 - Showing sequence assignment failure
Sorry, no information available. This is a very rare situation.
Eventually the log file of the posting process can show some clue for the problem.
In R12 you can setup Accounting Sequencing for document numbering of journals during posting. You may need to review your Accounting Sequencing setup.
Please see:
· Document 1336723.1: Reporting and Accounting Sequences in R12 : A Whitepaper.
· Sequencing Context for Subledger and General Ledger Journals
Please consider that this can occur in any Ledger (Reporting or Secondary) associated to the Primary Ledger of the journal being posted.
Error24 - Showing cutoff rule violation
This may happen when using the Greece Regionalizations (EMEA Country Specific features). Please review Accounting Cutoff Rules.
You must post all journals within the designated cutoff rule period. Oracle General Ledger invalidates journals that are not posted within the cutoff period, and the entire journal batch fails the posting process.
Oracle General Ledger automatically enforces the cutoff rules when you post a journal batch. Use the Journal Posting Execution report to review journal entries that failed due to cutoff rule violations.
You need to change the journal header effective date to within the cutoff rule period and resubmit the journal batch for posting.
Error25 - Unable to validate or create CTA
The posting program is trying to book translation balancing to the Cumulative Translation Adjustment account, as defined in the Ledger.
This error occurs because one of these CTA account code combinations cannot be used. The log file of the posting process may show the cause of the problem and the specific account.
You need to check if the CTA account code combination exists (for the balancing value used in your journal), is enabled and valid for use (posting allowed and not secured by security or cross-validation rules). You can confirm by trying to enter a journal in the same period with the same user/responsibility with the same account combination.
This may occur for Translation journals or for any journals being replicated in a different currency for any of the other ledgers (Secondary or Reporting) associated to the Primary ledger, so you need to check if the problem exists in any of them (if they exist), i.e. the CTA must exist and be valid both in Primary and Reporting Ledgers.
Error26 - Showing insufficient access to ledger or segment value
Data Access Sets can limit read and write access to ledgers, ledger sets, or specific balancing segment values or management segment values for a ledger or ledger set. This error may occur when the posting reponsibility has the limited access regarding the Primary ledger or any of the Reporting or Secondary ledgers associated (as the journal may be replicated in those ledgers by posting program).
You need to review the setup of the data acces set assigned to the responsibility. Note that Data Access Sets combine with Segment Value Security Rules and Cross Â?Validation Rules.
There is also a know bug that can cause the problem. Please review Document 1275969.1: GLPPOS When Posting In The Primary Ledger Get Error26 - Showing Insufficient Access to Ledger or Segment Value.
Error27 - Showing insufficient access to generated accounts defined for ledger
This error occurs when the Data Access Set assigned to the responsibility limits the access to the balancing or management segment values of the accounts used in the lines that posting needs to generate (suspense, reserve for encumbrance, rounding differences, CTA, etc.).
You need to review the setup of the data acces set assigned to the responsibility. Note that Data Access Sets combine with Segment Value Security Rules and Cross Â?Validation Rules.
Error28 - Showing invalid balancing or management segment value for the ledger
When a journal is created, the balancing and/or management segment values used in the journal are stored in table gl_je_segment_values. You can review these using the following sql:
select * from GL_JE_SEGMENT_VALUES
where je_header_id = &HEADERID;
This error shows that for some reason those segment values used in the journal are not valid for this Ledger (for example end dated) or accessible for the user/responsibility trying to post the journal.
The log file of the posting process may show more details about the error to help you find the cause of the problem.
· Be sure that the Accounting Setup Manager shows complete. You may need to run the "General Ledger Accounting Setup Program" to complete the setup - please see the solution from Document 457200.1.
· If the values are valid then it may be caused by the assignments of the segment values to different Legal Entity or Ledger.
You can see the segments assigned to one ledger with the following sql:
where ledger_id = &LEDGERID
· If the journal uses multiple balancing segments you may need to install some intercompany patch to get the latest version of funbalpkgb.pls installed (for example patch 13359122).
We also suggest to have installed relevant patches for posting, for example patch 10248276.
· If the problem is on Secondary Ledger posting it may happen that some of the segments assigned to the primary are not assigned to the Secondary. The Enhancement Request Bug:10395341 was already logged for this case.
Error29 - Showing insufficient access to reporting currency or segment value
This is caused by insufficient privileges granted to the user/responsibility on the reporting currency ledger.
You need to have the Reporting Currency (Journal or Subledger Transaction level) assigned to the data access set along with the source ledger in order to post successfully.
Please review Document 946536.1 for more details.
Error30 - Showing invalid balancing segment value for generated accounts
In some cases the posting may generate new lines (rounding, balancing, intercompany, etc.) and will use the defined accounts in the ledger for that effect as a template for the journal accounts adapted to the required balancing segments.
This error is probably caused by security or cross-validation rules that will not allow the creation of the required account combination.
You need to review the General Ledger Journal Data Collection Test as advised in step 4 above.
Eventually the log file of the posting process can show clarifying information for the problem.
Error31 - Unopened secondary ledger period
When posting a Journal in Primary Ledger, a secondary ledger journal is trying to be generated/posted in the Secondary Ledger.
You need to open the period in the Secondary Ledgers related to the Primary Ledger being posted.
Error32 - Unopened secondary ledger encumbrance year
When posting an Encumbrances Journal in a Primary Ledger, the secondary ledger journal is trying to be generated/posted in the Secondary Ledger associated.
This requires that you open the Encumbrances Year also in the Secondary Ledger.
Error33 - Unable to retrieve accounts from chart of accounts mapping
The chart of accounts mapping is incomplete or incorrect. See Document 753900.1.
It may also happen that a cross-validation rule is not allowing the target account code combination to be created or Dynamic Insert flag not enabled for target ledger chart of accounts. See Document 1084264.1.
Error34 - Unable to determine journal effective date
Unknown cause. This seems to be a rare situation.
It probably is the result of unsupported updates to the data (possibly journal batch or header is using an incorrect period name).
You need to review the General Ledger Journal Data Collection Test as advised in step 4 above, and check the period names.
Eventually the log file of the posting process can show some clue for the problem.
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