ITEM CATEGORIES A category is a logical classification of items that have similar characteristics. A category set is a distinct grouping of categories. Categories and category sets group your items for various reports and programs.If u have more than one Item Category Flexfield Structure, then choose one structure first. (Category KFF structure explained later). Then enter category name and description.A category is visible in iSupplier or iProcurement Portal, if enabled here.
Item Category sets The categories you assign to a category set must have the same flexfield structure as the set itself. This is true even if you choose not to validate the category list.You can assign an item to multiple categories within a category set. For example, you may define a Hazard category set. In this case, an item may be assigned to both the Poison and Corrosive categories.
Default category sets You must assign a default category set to each of these functional areas.When you enable an item for a certain functional area, Oracle Inventory automatically assigns the item to the default category set of that functional area and the default category of that set.For example, if you set Inventory Item to Yes, then Inventory automatically assigns the item to the Inventory functional area’s default category set and default category.
Item Category sets The categories you assign to a category set must have the same flexfield structure as the set itself. This is true even if you choose not to validate the category list.You can assign an item to multiple categories within a category set. For example, you may define a Hazard category set. In this case, an item may be assigned to both the Poison and Corrosive categories.
Default category sets You must assign a default category set to each of these functional areas.When you enable an item for a certain functional area, Oracle Inventory automatically assigns the item to the default category set of that functional area and the default category of that set.For example, if you set Inventory Item to Yes, then Inventory automatically assigns the item to the Inventory functional area’s default category set and default category.
Query to find default category for a category set : |
set pages 150 set lines 150 col item form a24 col item_desc form a60 col cat_desc form a40 col default_category form a30 col category_set_name form a30 select mcats.category_set_name, mcat.segment1 default_category, mcat.description cat_desc, mcat.category_id, mcats.category_set_id from mtl_category_sets mcats, mtl_categories mcat where mcats.category_set_name like '%' and mcat.category_id = mcats.default_category_id order by 1,2 / |
In the Master Items screen assign Category to an Item.
MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES INVENTORY_ITEM_ID ORGANIZATION_ID CATEGORY_SET_ID CATEGORY_ID | Query to find all items assigned to categories of a category set :set pages 150 set lines 150 col item form a24 col item_desc form a60 col category form a30 col category_set_name form a24 select mcats.category_set_name, mcat.segment1||'.'|| mcat.segment2 category, msi.segment1 item, msi.description item_desc from mtl_item_categories micat, mtl_category_sets mcats, mtl_categories mcat, mtl_system_items_vl msi where mcats.category_set_name like 'Inv%' and micat.category_set_id = mcats.category_set_id and micat.category_id = mcat.category_id and mcat.segment1 like 'N%' and msi.inventory_item_id = micat.inventory_item_id and msi.organization_id = micat.organization_id and msi.organization_id = 204 order by 1,2,3 / |
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