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Showing posts from October, 2015

Accounting Entries – Fixed Assets

Accounting Entries – Fixed Assets In this article, we will cover accounting entries made by Oracle Fixed Asset module (FA). First we will cover some of the natural accounts that are setup and then we will cover what entries are made. In the Assets module, following are some of the accounts we setup. Some accounts (like Clearing) are used by other modules as well. Note : All of these accounts are natural accounts, and are created as flexfield values for the natural account (GL account) segment.   Account Segment Qualifier 1 Asset Cost Asset Account 2 Asset Clearing Asset Account 3 Depreciation Expense Expense Account 4 Accumulated Depreciation Contra-Asset Account 5 Deferred Depreciation Reserve Liability Account 6 Deferred Depreciation Expense Expense Account 7 Depreciation Adjustment Expense Account 8 Proceeds of Sale Clearing Asset Account 9 Cost of removal Clearing Liability Account 10 Gain & Loss Revenue Account       Here are the entries made by FA. Tra...

Accounting entries for the Asset Life Cycle

Accounting entries for the Asset Life Cycle Finally am able to put the detailed accounting entries for the Asset Cycle. As highlighted in one of the post  Oracle Assets creates journal entries  for the following general ledger accounts: Asset Cost Asset Clearing Depreciation Expense Accumulated Depreciation Revaluation Reserve Revaluation Amortization CIP Cost CIP Clearing Proceeds of Sale Gain, Loss, and Clearing Cost of Removal Gain, Loss, and Clearing Net Book Value Retired Gain and Loss Intercompany Payables Intercompany Receivables Deferred Accumulated Depreciation Deferred Depreciation Expense Depreciation Adjustment The setup of these accounts is done while you defining the asset books as per below. The number for above accounts can usually map it with Oracle seeded screen of setup;. Fig 1: Accounts and accounting in Fixed Assets Fig 2: Accounts and accounting in Fixed Assets Next we will see the different accounting at various transactional events.  Depreciation A...

AP Invoice Technical Details with Functional Inputs

AP Invoice Technical Details with Functional Inputs When Invoice Booked and Saved ============================= One row created in ap_invoices_all and its distribution lines created in ap_invoice_distributions_all When Invoice Validated : ====================== ap_invoice_distributions_all.MATCH_STATUS_FLAG='A' ap_invoice_distributions_all.ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID=NOT NULL(Here 1370092) one row created in ap_accounting_events_all with accounting_event_id=ap_invoice_distributions_all.ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID ap_accounting_events_all.EVENT_STATUS_CODE='CREATED' ap_accounting_events_all.SOURCE_TABLE='AP_INVOICES' ap_accounting_events_all.SOURCE_ID=ap_invoice_distributions_all.INVOICE_ID= AP_INVOICE_ALL.INVOICE_ID When Invoice Accounted : ===================== ap_invoice_distributions_all.ACCRUAL_POSTED_FLAG='Y' ap_invoice_distributions_all.POSTED_FLAG='Y' ap_accounting_events_all.EVENT_STATUS_CODE='ACCOUNTED' ONE ROW CREATED IN AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL where...

AP Invoice Validation Status

AP Invoice Validation Status (See Metalink doc ID 301806.1) There is no column in the AP_INVOICES_ALL table that stores the validation status. Invoice distributions are validated individually and the status is stored at the invoice distribution level. This status is stored in  AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.MATCH_STATUS_FLAG. Valid values for the column are: A – Validated (it used to be called Approved) N or null – Never validated T – Tested but not validated The invoice header form derives the invoice validation status based on the following: ‘Validated’ - If all of the invoice distributions have a MATCH_STATUS_FLAG = ‘A’ ‘Never Validated’ - If all of the invoice distributions have a MATCH_STATUS_FLAG = null or ‘N’ ‘Needs Revalidation’ - If there are any rows in AP_HOLDS that do not have a release code. - If any of the invoice distributions have a MATCH_STATUS_FLAG = ‘T’. - If the invoice distributions have MATCH_STATUS_FLAG values = ‘N’, null and ‘A’ (mixed).   Query: ========...

R12- Important AP Tables and Brief Narrative

AP_SUPPLIERS: This table replaces the old PO_VENDORS table. It stores information about your supplier level attributes. Each row includes the purchasing, receiving, invoice, tax, classification, and general information. Oracle Purchasing uses this information to determine active suppliers. The supplier name, legal identifiers of the supplier will be stored in TCA and a reference to the party created in TCA will be stored in AP_SUPPLIERS.PARTY_ID, to link the party record in TCA. AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL: This table replaces the old PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL table. It stores information about your supplier site level attributes. There is a row for unique combination of supplier address, operating unit and the business relationship that you have with the supplier. The supplier address information is not maintained in this table and is maintained in TCA. The reference to the internal identifier of address in TCA will be stored in AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL.LOCATION_ID, to link the address record in TCA...

Apps DBA Queries

Query to get Oracle Apps URL SQL: select home_url from icx_parameters; select * from registry$history; SELECT a.application_name, DECODE (b.status, 'I', 'Installed', 'S', 'Shared', 'N/A') status, patch_level FROM apps.fnd_application_vl a, apps.fnd_product_installations b WHERE a.application_id = b.application_id and a.application_id ='200'; SELECT patch_name, patch_type, maint_pack_level, creation_date FROM applsys.ad_applied_patches ORDER BY creation_date DESC

Contract Projects Lifce Cycle

Contract Projects Lifce Cycle Contract Projects Oracle Projects comes with 3 basic type of projects namely Indirect, Capital and Contract Projects. Here we will look at the Contract Projects. Contract Projects are typically used in the Professional Services industry wherein the Vendor provides services to the end clients. Vendor invoices the clients and recognizes the revenue. Create a Contract Project in Oracle Projects for the Customer Contract Projects are Client Facing Projects wherein the both the parties ( Vendor and the Client) agree on certain terms and sign the contract. This contract is the basis for the Project. In Projects Module we create a Project of the Contract Project type for a particular customer. Create an Agreement for the Project Customer After the Contract Project is created, we will need to create an Agreement for the customer with the agreed upon amount and terms. Fund the Project using the Client Agreement Once the agreement is created in the system, using the...

Create Accounting for a Payment generates errors 95333 and 95359

Create Accounting for a Payment generates errors 95333 and 95359 Error: 95333: A conversion rate does not exist to convert USD to AUD for the conversion type Corporate and conversion date 20-MAR-09 for line -25. Please use the Daily Rates form in General Ledger to enter a conversion rate for these currencies, conversion date and conversion type. 95359: There is no accounted amount for the subledger journal entry line. Please inform your system administrator or support representative that: The source assigned to the accounting attribute Accounted Amount has no value for extract line number 88547. Please make sure the source assigned to the accounting attribute Accounted Amount has a valid value, or assign a different source to this accounting attribute. Solution: 1. Specify a conversion rate for the currencies and conversion date mentioned in the error message 95333 Navigation under the General Ledger responsibility: Setup > Currencies > Currency Rates Manager > Daily Rates ...


INTERCOMPANY BILLING ACCOUNTING ENTRY An  intercompany  cross charge transaction against an  indirect   project. Entries for the  provider  operating unit. Cost Labor Expense  Dr Labor Clearing       Cr Intercompany Accounts Receivable -Invoice Intercompany Accounts Receivable  Dr Intercompany Revenue  Cr The following table shows entries for the  receiver  operating unit. Intercompany Accounts Payable -Invoice Intercompany Cost  Dr. Intercompany Accounts Payable  Cr. An  intercompany  cross charge transaction against a  contract  project . Entries for the  provider  operating unit. Cost Labor Expense  Dr Labor Clearing       Cr Intercompany Accounts Receivable -Invoice Intercompany Accounts Receivable  Dr Intercompany Revenue  Cr The following table shows entries for the   receiver  operating unit. Inter...

New Intercompany features in R12

New Intercompany features in R12    R12 introduces the new product Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS), which takes forward the features provided by GIS in 11i GL and adds a number of important new capabilities. The major new capabilities are: Creation of Documentation (ie. Payables and Receivables Invoices) for AGIS transactions Web ADI Integration to facilitate uploading transactions from Excel One Sender to many receivers in the same transaction batch (the receivers can be in different ledgers, with different chart of accounts, currencies, periods etc) Integration with Oracle Approvals Manager for fully flexible approval rules with no coding Introduction of Intercompany Periods, which can be opened and closed by AGIS transaction type New user grants based security so many subsidiaries can be accessed from the same responsibility Online Reconciliation reporting tool, allows drilldown from account balances to the transactions. Uses XML Publisher to provide export ...

R12 Intercompany Accounts Set Up

R12 Intercompany Accounts Set Up In R12 the Intercompany Accounts setup is broken out from GL and included in the Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS) product (Don’t worry you don’t need any additional license for this product). There is a separate set up screen for Intercompany and Intracompany Accounts. The same set up pages are available through the Accounting Set Up Manager as well as AGIS so you can pick your navigation path. The Intracompany accounts are defined for pairs of Balancing Segment Values (BSV) within the same ledger; this set up is similar to the 11i approach and we upgrade 11i Intercompany accounts to Intracompany accounts here. You don’t need to uptake the Legal Entity Configurator product(new in R12) to define these. In order to enter Intercompany Accounts you need use Legal Entity Configurator to define your Legal Entities and map them to ledgers and/or BSV. You then define accounts to use when certain pairs of Legal Entities trade. In R12 you can now de...

Base Tables In AP

Base tables: As told earlier once the data is validated will get updated in the base tables, and is considered as the data which is in the base table is accurate and used in many ways. (Reporting..etc..) Base Tables in Ap and Po: The base tables in AP are as follows: 1) AP_INVOICES_ALL   2) AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL   3)  AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL  4) AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL   5) AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL   6) AP_CHECKS_ALL   7)  AP_HOLDS_ALL   8)  AP_AE_LINES_ALL   9)  AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL   1)  AP_INVOICES_ALL:   AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoices you enter. There is one row for each invoice you enter. An invoice can have one or more invoice distribution lines. An invoice can also have one or more scheduled payments. An invoice of type EXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row in  AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unless the record has been purged from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL. Your Oracle Payables ...