This topic covers the Oracle Projects Data model.
Projects are created from the Projects Templates / other Projects .
This table contains a row for each projects implementation, i.e one per operating unit. This table contains the setup information specific to the operating unit.
The table data corresponds to the front end: Projects implementation super user resp -> Setup->System->Implementation options.
Important Columns:
Project ID: uniquely identifies a project
Name: Name of the Project
Segment1: Project Number
This project number can be automatic/ Manual depending upon the System Implementation Option Setups, i.e., if the setting is automatic, there is no need of giving a project number when creating a project. If it is manual, then a project number should be provided while creating the project.
Carrying_out_organization_id : This is the project owning organization.
Pm_product_code: This identifies the source of the project, generally used whenever a project is created from a third party product.
Project_Status_code: Indicates the project status whether active, approved, closed, rejected etc.
Start_Date : Transaction start date of the Project.
Completion_Date: Transaction End Date of the project.
(There are different dates for a project each having its own significance, we will see those in a different topic.)
Base Table: PA_TASKS
Important Columns:
Task_id : uniquely identifies a task.
Project_id : – From the pa_projects_all table .
Carrying_out_organization_id : This is the task owning organization.
(Task owning organization can be different from Project owning organization).
Start_date : Transaction Start Date of the Task
Completion_Date: Transaction End Date of the Task
Wbs_level :Indicates the level of the Task in the WBS hierarchy.
(WBS – Work Break down Structure indicates the structure of the Project)
Parent_Task_id : uniquely identifies the Parent Task
Top_Task_id : uniquely identifies the Top Task.
Pm_product_code : Indicates the source of the task(used in conversion projects).
Pm_task_reference: uniquely identifies the corresponding task in the source system (used in conversion projects).
This is the table which stores the Agreement information.
Agreement_id : uniquely identifies the agreement.
Customer_id : Agreement’s customer id.
Agreement_num : Agreement Number
Expiration_Date : Expiration Date of the Agreement
Revenue_Limit_Flag: Flag which indicates whether the revenue can exceed the allocated funding amount.
Invoice_Limit_Flag: Flag which indicates whether invoice can exceed the allocated funding amount.
Amount: Agreement Amount.
Project_Funding_id : uniquely identifies the Funding
Project_id : id of Project to which the funding is allocated
Task_id : id of Top Task to which the funding is allocated
Budget_type_code : Status of the budget whether baselined or not.
Allocated_amount: the amount of funding allocated to the project or top task.
To be continued…
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