Problem: How to Rebuild the data for TB in R12
Rebuild the data for TB
1. Navigate: Payables Responsibility > Setup> Accounting Setups > Subledger Accounting Setups > Open Account Balances Listing Definitions
2. Query up your Report Definition: select Defined By = Accounting Flexfield or Segment (whichever applies in your case), click“Go”
3. Click on Update icon in the "Actions" column – the definition's update page opens.
4. "Touch" the definition by simply clicking "Apply" button (without making any change).
This should start the “Open Account Balances Data Manager” concurrent processes and a (at least one) worker process “TB Worker…”.Wait for them to complete and verify if the TB data was rebuilt:
select xtb.definition_code
, xeh.ledger_id
, decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' ) upgraded_from_11i
, min( xtb.creation_date ) min_creation_date
, count( * ) events_count
from xla_trial_balances xtb
, xla_ae_headers xeh
where xtb.ae_header_id = xeh.ae_header_id(+)
/* and xtb.definition_code = '&TB_definition_code' */
group by
, xeh.ledger_id
, decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' )
order by
xtb.definition_code, xeh.ledger_id;
Confirm if the TB report still empty .
1. Navigate: Payables Responsibility > Setup> Accounting Setups > Subledger Accounting Setups > Open Account Balances Listing Definitions
2. Query up your Report Definition: select Defined By = Accounting Flexfield or Segment (whichever applies in your case), click“Go”
3. Click on Update icon in the "Actions" column – the definition's update page opens.
4. "Touch" the definition by simply clicking "Apply" button (without making any change).
This should start the “Open Account Balances Data Manager” concurrent processes and a (at least one) worker process “TB Worker…”.Wait for them to complete and verify if the TB data was rebuilt:
select xtb.definition_code
, xeh.ledger_id
, decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' ) upgraded_from_11i
, min( xtb.creation_date ) min_creation_date
, count( * ) events_count
from xla_trial_balances xtb
, xla_ae_headers xeh
where xtb.ae_header_id = xeh.ae_header_id(+)
/* and xtb.definition_code = '&TB_definition_code' */
group by
, xeh.ledger_id
, decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' )
order by
xtb.definition_code, xeh.ledger_id;
Confirm if the TB report still empty .
NOTE.553484.1 Troubleshooting Accounts Payable Trial Balance
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