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Showing posts from March, 2017

Oracle Demo Environment Instant Access

Oracle Demo Environment Instant Access Oracle Business Intelligence Open the URL below in your browser and log in with the credentials provided to access a fully functional OBIEE environment (aka Sample App V 309 which is based on release and includes the new Mobile App Designer). User: Prodney Password: Admin123 BI Mobile Application Designer (BIMAD) Oracle provides instant access to demo applications created with  BIMAD , so you can enjoy them directly on your mobile device. Simply use a QR Reader to scan the QR code below on your mobile device to navigate to the login page or use the URL below. User: bimad_user Password: welcome1 Alternative URL: (Thanks to  Christian  for this update) There is also a  document  available with detailed instructions. BI Mobile HD For iPad users, Oracle provid...

FA Key Tables fa_additions_b , fa_adjustments

FA Key Tables fa_additions_b , fa_adjustments  FA_ADDITIONS_B  contains descriptive information to help you identify your assets. Oracle Assets does not use this table to calculate depreciation. When you add an asset, Oracle Assets inserts a row into this table and into FA_ASSET_HISTORY. When you change the asset information stored in this table, Oracle Assets updates it in this table. It also creates a new row in FA_ASSET_HISTORY. When you perform a unit retirement, Oracle Assets reduces the CURRENT_UNITS by the units retired. UNIT_ADJUSTMENT_FLAG is set to YES by the Additions form if you change the number of units for an asset. The Transfers form resets it to NO after you reassign the remaining units. FA_ADJUSTMENTS  stores information that Oracle Assets needs to create journal entries for transactions. The posting program creates journal entries for regular depreciation expense from information in FA_DEPRN_DETAIL. Oracle Assets inserts a row in this table for the debi...
FA Depreciation Query Data can come into Oracle Assets via the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table from the following sources: external sources (i.e. legacy systems), Project Accounting (PA), Accounts Payable (AP) and indirectly from Purchasing (PO). Once the data is posted in Oracle Assets, it is then considered to be a true asset. If an asset is setup as a capitalized asset, it can be depreciated. When Depreciation has ran successfully and the period has closed, you can then submit the Create Journal Entries program (FAPOST). The Create Journal Entries program creates the journals for General Ledger (GL) and inserts that data directly into the GL tables, GL_JE_HEADERS, GL_JE_BATCHES, and GL_JE_LINES. Therefore, no journal import from within GL is necessary. If the Create Journals program was successful, the unposted journals can be viewed immediately in GL SELECT fp.period_name, dhcc.segment2 business_unit, dhcc.segment3 account, dhcc.segment4 dept, adt.asset_number, adt.tag_number, ltrim(rtrim(...

R12 SLA Tables connection to AP, AR, INV,Payments, Receiving

R12 SLA (Sub ledger Accounting) 1) All accounting performed before transfer to the GL. Accounting data generated and stored in “Accounting Events” tables prior to transfer to GL 2) Run “Create Accounting” to populate accounting events ( SLA ) tables. User can “View Accounting” only after “Create Accounting” is run. Create Accounting process – Applies accounting rules – Loads  SLA  tables, GL tables – Creates detailed data per accounting rules, stores in  SLA  “distribution links” table 3) Below are the key tables for  SLA  in R12 XLA_AE_HEADERS xah XLA_AE_LINES xal XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES xte XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS xdl GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES gir Below are the possible joins between these XLA Tables xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id xah.application_id = xal.application_id xal.application_id = xte.application_id xte.application_id = xdl.application_id xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id xah.ae_header_id = xdl.ae_header_id xah.event_id = xdl.event_id xal.gl_sl_link...