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Showing posts from 2017

Oracle Projects Data Model

This topic covers the Oracle Projects Data model. Projects are created from the Projects Templates / other Projects . Base Table:  PA_IMPLEMENTATIONS_ALL This table contains a row for each projects implementation, i.e one per operating unit. This table contains the setup information specific to the operating unit.  The table data corresponds to the front end: Projects implementation super user resp -> Setup->System->Implementation options. Base Table:  PA_PROJECTS_ALL Important Columns: Project ID: uniquely identifies a project Name: Name of the Project Segment1: Project Number This project number can be automatic/ Manual depending upon the System Implementation Option Setups, i.e., if the setting is automatic, there is no need of giving a project number when creating a project. If it is manual, then a project number should be provided while creating the project. Carrying_out_organization_id : This is the project owning organization. Pm_product_code: This identif...

R12 Audit Trail AP_SUPPLIERS AND vendor_site_code of AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL.

Seeded Functionality (R12) - Demo Consider the following scenario: We have a requirement where we need to capture the changes in vendor_name of AP_SUPPLIERS AND vendor_site_code of AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL. Now let us see the detailed Stepwise approach to achieve this in R12. 1. Enable Audit Trail Profile Set the system profile AuditTrail:Activate to Yes at the site level. Navigation: System Administrator Responsibility-->System--->Profile 2. Enable Audit for Schemas We need to enable the audit for the schemas which are the owners of the tables, on which we are doing audit. We need to include APPS schema in every case. In this case we need to enable audit for AP (as it is the owner of the tables AP_SUPPLIERS and AP_SUPPLERS_SITES_ALL). Navigation: System Administrator Responsibility--->Security--->AuditTrail--->Install 3. Audit Group Creation Navigation: System Administrator Responsibility--->Security--->AuditTrail--->Groups. Here we need to create the Audit Group ...

How to Rebuild the data for TB in R12

Problem:  How to  Rebuild the data for TB in R12 Solution: Rebuild the data for TB  1. Navigate: Payables Responsibility > Setup> Accounting Setups > Subledger Accounting Setups > Open Account Balances Listing Definitions   2. Query up your Report Definition: select Defined By = Accounting Flexfield or Segment (whichever applies in your case), click“Go” 3. Click on Update icon in the "Actions" column – the definition's update page opens. 4. "Touch" the definition by simply clicking "Apply" button (without making any change).   This should start the “Open Account Balances Data Manager” concurrent processes and a (at least one) worker process “TB Worker…”.Wait for them to complete and verify if the TB data was rebuilt: select xtb.definition_code , xeh.ledger_id , decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' ) upgraded_from_11i , min( xtb.creation_date ) min_creation_date , count( * ) events_count from xla_trial_balances xtb , x...

Oracle Sub-ledger Accounting : a Technical Overview

R12- AR Tables and Changes

Here goes... AR R12 Tables New Tables Description of Change AR_REC_TRX_LE_DETAILS_ALL Added detail level table under AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ALL to record the relationship between a receivables activity and the sets of asset and liability tax codes by legal entity. AR_DEFERRAL_REASONS Revenue Deferral Reasons AR_DEFERRED_LINES_ALL Revenue Deferral Reasons AR_RDR_PARAMETERS_GT Revenue Deferral Reasons AR_REVIEWED_LINES_GT Revenue Deferral Reasons Changed Tables Table Name Description of Change RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL Added numerous columns to support E-Business Tax and line-level Ship To, Added Payment extension identifier. AR_MEMO_LINES Added tax_product_category to support E-Business Tax uptake. AR_TRX_LINES_GT Added numerous columns to support E-Business Tax uptake, Added parent_line_id and deferral_exclusion_flag. AR_TRX_LINES_TMP_GT Added numerous columns to support E-Business Tax uptake, Added parent_line_id and deferral_exclusion_flag. AR_ARCHIVE_DETAIL Added numerous columns to sup...

AP Trail Balances SQL Query for R12

SELECT  aia.invoice_num, aia.description inv_description,aia.attribute2 "Dept", aps.segment1 vendor#,        aps.vendor_name, aia.invoice_currency_code, aia.invoice_amount,tb.diff "Amount Remain",           gcc.segment1        || '.'        || gcc.segment2        || '.'        || gcc.segment3        || '.'        || gcc.segment4        || '.'        || gcc.segment5        || '.'        || gcc.segment6        || '.'        || gcc.segment7 ACCOUNT,        aia.invoice_type_lookup_code,

AR: Transaction Write-Offs

What do I mean when I say Transaction Write-Offs? I mean to say that a customer’s transaction is outstanding for a longest period and you have no clue as to if the customer is going to pay or not, you cannot trace the customer and now you want to write-off that transaction. Yep it’s called Bad Debts. How to enter bad debts in Oracle Receivables? That’s your question. Here’s my answer and Oracle Receivable’s standard functionality: There is no such term in Receivables as Bad Debts. Receivables suggests that you “adjust” the particular transaction. Yes!  Adjustments  is type of write off that will cater your Bad Debt scenario. These are setup and transactions steps for creating and entering Bad Debt Adjustments Setup Steps: Create a Receivables Activity with Adjustment type. I think adjustment is called a receivable activity because it write offs the outstanding balance on customer. Assign Approval Limit of user to write off amounts. Obviously you cannot let anyone just write of...

Aging Reports in Oracle Apps Receivables - Quick Overview

AGING REPORTS IN ORACLE APPS RECEIVABLES - QUICK OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Aging reports are used to review information about your open items so as to know how much funds have been held up and with whom. Aging reports display the customers who have outstanding balances and the amount each customer owes us which also helps to expedite the collection process.    Receivables  aging reports Do Not include customers with a zero outstanding balance. These reports can print both detail and summary information about your customer’s current and  past due  invoices, debit memos, and charge backs.    Receivables also gives the option to see  credit memos , on–account credits, unidentified payments, and on–account and unapplied cash amounts. As mentioned above, Oracle Receivables ages the transactions according to   due date .  The aging  reports however select transactions according to   gl date .  Receivables aging reports includes all open...