Creating Summary Accounts
Summary accounts store balances of multiple accounts. To define how balances roll up into a summary account, you must set up summary templates. Summary templates can be defined by regular flexfield values, parent values, and rollup groups.
Defining Parent Segment Values
Parent Segment Values (also called parent values ) are values that reference other segment values typically knows as child segment values(also called child values). You can set up parent values for any segment values together, and they are utilized in reporting and/or assigned to rollup groups. Child values can be defined in ranges or individually.
Using the Chart of Accounts you defined earlier,you are going to add a parent value called ASSETS to include balances from the Cash and Receivables asset accounts you created earlier. You define parent values in the same from you define you segment values. Find your accounting flexfield structure and the account segment. To do this enter accounting flexfield structure and the segment name corresponding to the account segment in the find window, then click on the find button. You will see the values that are valid for the account segment. Go to the values(accounts) region, add a new record, and enter the value ASSETS and a description. Navigate to the Hierarchy, Qualifiers alternative region and check the Parent Checkbox to make this parent value.
Next define child values for the ASSETS parent value. Save first then click on the Define Child Ranges button to enter the child values. Enter child values for the Cash Account and the Receivables account, and in the include column select Child Values Only.
Defining Rollup Groups
Rollup groups are one level higher then parent values. Use rollup groups in summary account templates. Assign parent values to roolup groups. In order to use parent values in summary account templates, we must first assign the parent values to the rollup groups.
We can define rollup groups via the navigation path
we will be presented with a find key Flexfield segment window, enter the name of you accounting flexfield structure in the structure field and then click on the Find Button. Go to the Rollup groups region and enter you rollup group names and description. Create a Rollup group called ASSETS now so you can assign the parent values we defined in the define segment values form.
Assigning Rollup Groups
Rollup groups are assigned to parent values in the Segment values from Navigaiton
in this form the group field is in the Hierarchy, Qualifiers group, just to the right of the parent checkbox.
Defining Summary Accounts
Now you can create summary accounts. Summary accounts will be described in detail in a later chapter, but an overview is provided here. After following the navigation path
Setup/Accounts/Summary, we enter a name, a template and a description for the summary account template. We must also enter the earliest period for which Oracle General Ledger should generate summarized balances.
Summary accounts are generated based on the defined summary account templates. To setup summary account templates, we define a template option for each segment of the Chart of Accounts options include
Rollup groups
D- D Means to create a summar account for each segment value of the segment. The system will not allow to setup a summary account template with all D's because doing so would cause each segment to expand to include every possible segment value.
T- T means to create one summar account that summarizes all segment values. T must be a defined parent value with the entire segments possible values as child values. No rollup group must be assinged to T. When using this option,the Detailed Posting Allowed and Detailed Budgeting Allowed parameters are set to NO. You do not need to set up a summary account with Ts in every segment because doing so would create one account that totals the system and this account combination would always have a balance 0.
Rollup Groups- A rollup group is used to create one summary account for each parent values assigned to it. For instance assume you have three companies. five departments, then accounts, and Rollup Group R1 in the account segment with two parent values. A summary account template of D-T-D will create 3*1*10=30 summary accounts. A summary account template of D-T-R1 will create 3*1*2=6 summary accounts.
Maintain Summary Accounts
We do not need to maintain summary accounts If you only add child values to parent values. The new child values will automatically be included when the Maintain Summary Templates program is executed. The maintain summary templates program can be invoked manually; it is also called automatically by the posting program. We may want to run the maintain summary templates program prior to posting if we add a lot of child values for performing reasons. However , if we add parent values to rollup groups and the rollup groups are used in summary accounting templates, you will need to delete the related summary accounts and re create them. Adding or deleting summary accounts will initiate the Add/Delete Summary accounts program automatically.
Defining Parent Segment Values
Parent Segment Values (also called parent values ) are values that reference other segment values typically knows as child segment values(also called child values). You can set up parent values for any segment values together, and they are utilized in reporting and/or assigned to rollup groups. Child values can be defined in ranges or individually.
Using the Chart of Accounts you defined earlier,you are going to add a parent value called ASSETS to include balances from the Cash and Receivables asset accounts you created earlier. You define parent values in the same from you define you segment values. Find your accounting flexfield structure and the account segment. To do this enter accounting flexfield structure and the segment name corresponding to the account segment in the find window, then click on the find button. You will see the values that are valid for the account segment. Go to the values(accounts) region, add a new record, and enter the value ASSETS and a description. Navigate to the Hierarchy, Qualifiers alternative region and check the Parent Checkbox to make this parent value.
Next define child values for the ASSETS parent value. Save first then click on the Define Child Ranges button to enter the child values. Enter child values for the Cash Account and the Receivables account, and in the include column select Child Values Only.
Defining Rollup Groups
Rollup groups are one level higher then parent values. Use rollup groups in summary account templates. Assign parent values to roolup groups. In order to use parent values in summary account templates, we must first assign the parent values to the rollup groups.
We can define rollup groups via the navigation path
we will be presented with a find key Flexfield segment window, enter the name of you accounting flexfield structure in the structure field and then click on the Find Button. Go to the Rollup groups region and enter you rollup group names and description. Create a Rollup group called ASSETS now so you can assign the parent values we defined in the define segment values form.
Assigning Rollup Groups
Rollup groups are assigned to parent values in the Segment values from Navigaiton
in this form the group field is in the Hierarchy, Qualifiers group, just to the right of the parent checkbox.
Defining Summary Accounts
Now you can create summary accounts. Summary accounts will be described in detail in a later chapter, but an overview is provided here. After following the navigation path
Setup/Accounts/Summary, we enter a name, a template and a description for the summary account template. We must also enter the earliest period for which Oracle General Ledger should generate summarized balances.
Summary accounts are generated based on the defined summary account templates. To setup summary account templates, we define a template option for each segment of the Chart of Accounts options include
Rollup groups
D- D Means to create a summar account for each segment value of the segment. The system will not allow to setup a summary account template with all D's because doing so would cause each segment to expand to include every possible segment value.
T- T means to create one summar account that summarizes all segment values. T must be a defined parent value with the entire segments possible values as child values. No rollup group must be assinged to T. When using this option,the Detailed Posting Allowed and Detailed Budgeting Allowed parameters are set to NO. You do not need to set up a summary account with Ts in every segment because doing so would create one account that totals the system and this account combination would always have a balance 0.
Rollup Groups- A rollup group is used to create one summary account for each parent values assigned to it. For instance assume you have three companies. five departments, then accounts, and Rollup Group R1 in the account segment with two parent values. A summary account template of D-T-D will create 3*1*10=30 summary accounts. A summary account template of D-T-R1 will create 3*1*2=6 summary accounts.
Maintain Summary Accounts
We do not need to maintain summary accounts If you only add child values to parent values. The new child values will automatically be included when the Maintain Summary Templates program is executed. The maintain summary templates program can be invoked manually; it is also called automatically by the posting program. We may want to run the maintain summary templates program prior to posting if we add a lot of child values for performing reasons. However , if we add parent values to rollup groups and the rollup groups are used in summary accounting templates, you will need to delete the related summary accounts and re create them. Adding or deleting summary accounts will initiate the Add/Delete Summary accounts program automatically.
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