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Showing posts from July, 2016


Update AP_CHECKS_ALL THROUGH API  CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE APPS.AP_GTREASURY_TMS_PKG AS  Procedure GTREASURY_TMS_PRO (    X_RETCODE out  VARCHAR2,    X_ERRBUF  out VARCHAR2);  End; /* Formatted on 4/26/2013 12:36:53 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */ CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY AP_GTREASURY_TMS_PKG AS    PROCEDURE GTREASURY_TMS_PRO (X_RETCODE   OUT VARCHAR2,                                     X_ERRBUF    OUT VARCHAR2)    IS       CURSOR CUR_GTREASURY       IS          /*  Select the data from staging and base table  */          SELECT   apc.ROWID, apc.*, temp.STATUS_LOOKUP_CODE STG...

How To Test Record History Functionality In Framework To Verify That It's Working

1. Set the following Profile options: FND: Record History Enabled - Yes FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled - Yes FND: Diagnostics - Yes Personalize Self-Service Defn - Yes 2. Add the responsibility: Framework ToolBox Tutorial to your user. 3. From the Framework ToolBox Tutorial responsibility navigate: Sample Browser -> Advanced Table > Personalize Page 4. Turn on record history enabled property through personalization. 4.1. From the Personalize Page click on Expand All under the Personalization Structure. 4.2. Click on the Pencil icon for: Advanced Table: Toolbox Employees 4.3. For the Property: Record History Enabled Set to True at the Site level. 4.4. Apply changes. 4.5. Return to Applications 5. Click on +/plus sign next to Advanced Table Example 1 6. On clicking the Record History icon to see the details.   If the above test works and you are having problems viewing the Record History for other product pages (HR, GL, AR, ...) it is likely that the product developer...

How to enable Record History in OA Framework

R12.1.1 onwards supports record history in OAF pages. The following steps need to be followed to enable record history in OAF pages. Let us learn how to implement this with an example. Navigate to System Adminsitrator repsonsibility Select system Administration -> Concurrent Programs Query a concurrent Program Click on Personalize page Click on Complete View Click on Table:results Change Record History Enabled from False to True Click on Apply Navigate back to Application and click on the Record history (Icon) available on the Right hand side

AP Invoice Line Approval Workflow in oracle apps

AP Invoice Line Approval Workflow in oracle apps m AP Invoice Line Approval Workflow For AP Invoice Line Approval first we have make sure that the below points are met. 1. Check the approval workflow is enabled. 2. Make sure the  Transaction Type: Payables Invoice Approval  item class of header and line shoulb be of same level.   3. Check the Packages that it is the functionality is not disabled AP_WORKFLOW_PKG.CHECK_HEADER_REQUIREMENTS AP_WORKFLOW_PKG.CHECK_LINE_REQUIREMENTS. Step 1: Create a Attribute Depending on your functionality. Here the transaction ID is same as your Invoice ID Here make sure the Item Class is selected as line level. This will fetch the number of records matches with the lines for the Invoice. Step 2: Create Condition Accordingly 3. Define Approver Groups 4.Apply rule according to the requirement Now create the Invoice and Initiate Line level approval Note:  This will be applicable for matched Invoices. Now we will invoke the approval fo...


                         $FLEX$ AND $PROFILE$ Request Set: ============ Colection of Concurrent Programs which will be used to submit the Cnocurrent Programs either sequentially or Paraalley multiple programs It is also like Request group but in Requuest group we can submit only one program at a time from SRS Window. where as in Request set we can submit multiple programs at a time. 1)Select the Programs which we would like to group in the set Ex:Active Responsibilities Active Users Compile Reports 2)Open the Request Set form Select the button called Request set wizard and enter the concurrent Program list. Concurrent =>Set 3)Open the Request group Form attach the Request set by selecting the Type = Set and attach the Request set. 4)Goto the SRS Window select the Option called Request set instead of Single Request. Incompatibility: ============ I ncompatibility is nothing but not compatible with the current concurrent p...

AR Query to get open invoices for single/All customers

AR Query to get open invoice for single customer /for all customer from the table ar_payment_schedules_all , you can modify the query how you want to get the details   select aps.* FROM ra_customer_trx_all ra, ra_customer_trx_lines_all rl, ar_payment_schedules_all aps, ra_cust_trx_types_all rt, hz_cust_accounts hc, hz_parties hp, hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa_bill, hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua_bill, hz_party_sites hps_bill, ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rct WHERE 1 = 1 AND ra.customer_trx_id = rl.customer_trx_id AND ra.customer_trx_id = aps.customer_trx_id AND ra.org_id = aps.org_id AND rct.customer_trx_id = aps.customer_trx_id AND rct.customer_trx_id = ra.customer_trx_id AND rct.customer_trx_id = rl.customer_trx_id AND rct.customer_trx_line_id = rl.customer_trx_line_id AND ra.complete_flag = 'Y' AND rl.line_type IN ('FREIGHT', 'LINE') AND ra.cust_trx_type_id = rt.cust_trx_type_id AND ra.bill_to_customer_id = hc.cust_account_id AND hc.status = 'A' AND

BI: GL and AP Trail Balance Reconcilation

Business Intelligence Applications  To reconcile "Closing Amount" in Subject Areas/Reports: 1. General Ledger -> GL Balance/ Trial Balance, 2. Payables -> AP Balance/ Payments Due Answer The closing amount in General Ledger subject areas can be reconciled with similar trial balance report in EBS GL module. The GL balance/Trial balance in BI is just showing closing balance of each account for each fiscal period, which should be easily obtained from EBS as well and compared. The closing amount in AP Balance subject areas is showing the liability(AP) balance by supplier. This cannot be directly compared with the AP Balance in GL because GL does not provide this at supplier level. However, the grand total of AP balance in AP subject area can be compared against the AP Balance in GL. To derive this metric, you can add up all posted liability distributions (both invoice and payment distributions posted in GL) for a given supplier, and that is the AP Balance for the supplier.

Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library

Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library This section lists each profile option in Oracle Application Object Library. These profile options are grouped into categories based on their functional area and are available to every product in Oracle Applications. For each profile option, we give a brief overview of how Oracle Application Object Library uses the profile’s setting. Unless otherwise noted, a profile option uses the Security hierarchy type. A table is provided for most profile options that lists the access levels for the profile option (at which levels the system administrator can set the profile option). For Security profile options, there are four possible levels at which system administrators can view and update a profile option value: site, application, responsibility, and user. This table lists whether the profile option’s value is visible at each of these levels, and whether it is updatable at each level. Concurrent Processing Execution The internal name for th...