Security Rule Vs Cross-Validation Rule:
Cross Validation Rule:
Ø It works at flex field structure level.
Ø It is used to restrict a valid code combination white entering
values in key flex fields.
values in key flex fields.
Ø EX: You can restrict use of Department segment within range 00-05 with Project segment.
Instead run Cross-validation rule violation report to track all combination that violates existing cross validation rules and can be manually disabled or worked upon.
Security Rule:
Ø It works at responsibility level as security rules are finally attached to responsibilities for the use.
Ø A rule that allows restriction on segment values or ranges of segment values for a specific user responsibility
Ø Ex: You can restrict use of Department segment in range 00-05 for AP invoice Entry responsibility
Ø Security rules are applicable at Value set, Key Flex field, , Concurrent program and descriptive flex field.
If you have multiple separate rules whose included values do not overlap, then no values will be allowed at all, because values must be included by all active security rules for that segment to be valid.
Now suppose you have one rule with two rule elements. The first element includes values 10 through 50, and the second element includes values 60 through 80. The resulting rule includes the union of the two elements, values 10 through 50 and values 60 through 80.
Suppose instead you have two separate rules. The first rule includes values 10 through 50, and the second rule includes values 60 through 80. The resulting effect of the two rules includes the intersection of the two rules, which is no values at all.
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