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Showing posts from November, 2019

Number to Word conversion in RTF

<?xdofx: expression ?> for extended SQL functions <?xdoxslt: expression ?> for extended XSL functions. You cannot mix xdofx statements with XSL expressions in the same context This function enables the conversion of numbers to words for RTF template output. This is a common requirement for check printing. The new function is “to_check_number”. The syntax of this function is <?xdofx:to_check_number(amount, precisionOrCurrency, caseType, decimalStyle)?> The following table describes the function attributes:   Attribute Description Valid Value amount The number to be transformed. Any number precisionOrCurrency For this attribute you can specify either the precision, which is the number of digits after the decimal point; or the currency code, which will govern the number of digits after the decimal point. The currency code does not generate a currency symbol in the output. An integer, such as 2; or a currency code, such as ‘USD’. caseType The case type of th...

Function for displaying Rupees in Words

Function for displaying Rupees in Words by   santosh kumar adda oracleapps Function for displaying Rupees in Words –XXIII. Function for displaying Rupees in Words : CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_word_i (amount IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS v_length INTEGER := 0; v_num2 VARCHAR2 (50) := NULL; v_amount VARCHAR2 (50) := TO_CHAR (TRUNC (amount)); v_word VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL; v_word1 VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL; TYPE myarray IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (255); v_str myarray := myarray (‘ Thousand ‘, ‘ Lakh ‘, ‘ Crore ‘); BEGIN IF ((amount = 0) OR (amount IS NULL)) THEN v_word := ‘zero’; ELSIF (TO_CHAR (amount) LIKE ‘%.%’) THEN IF (SUBSTR (amount, INSTR (amount, ‘.’) + 1) > 0) THEN v_num2 := SUBSTR (amount, INSTR (amount, ‘.’) + 1); IF (LENGTH (v_num2) < 2) THEN v_num2 := v_num2 * 10; END IF; v_word1 := ‘ AND ‘ || (TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (SUBSTR (v_num2, LENGTH (v_num2) – 1,2), ‘J’), ‘JSP’ ))|| ‘ paise ‘; v_amount := SUBSTR(amount,1,INSTR (amount, ‘.’)-1); v_word := TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (SUBSTR ...

XML Tags (very important xml tags)

XML Tags (very important xml tags) by   santosh kumar adda oracleapps 1.) Define Header some where in the page as per requirement. (call header ) <?Call:header?> <?template: header?> <?end template?> —————————— 2) For body Contents <?start:body?> <?end body?> —————————— 3)Last Page Only Content: Insert the following syntax on the final page: <?start@last-page:body?> <?end body?> —————————— 4) Sort  (Data sorting) <?sort:trx_number?> Sort descending <?sort:trx_number;data-type=‘number’;order=‘descending’?> multiple sort tags <?sort:trx_number?><?sort:trx_date?&g ———————— Oracle Number Format Mask <?format-number:fieldname;’999G999D99’?> —————————— Mask Output for US Locale – SHORT =2/31/99 – MEDIUM =Dec 31, 1999 – LONG =Friday, December 31, 1999 – SHORT_TIME =12/31/99 6:15 PM – MEDIUM_TIME =Dec 31, 1999 6:15 PM – LONG_TIME =Friday, December 31, 1999 6:15 PM – SHORT_TIME_TZ =12/31/99 6:15 PM GMT – MEDI...