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Showing posts from 2015
Oracle Payment Processing Request (PPR) in AP – R12 by   justoracleapplication PAYMENT PROCESSING REQUEST FUNCTIONALITY- In 11i we used Payment batches to pay for multiple invoices same time. In R12, PPR is the replacement of Payment batches. R12 PPR process enables payment Administrator to select multiple invoices for payment by selection criteria and he can pause the invoice selection and payment build process. During the invoice selection review, payment manager can review the invoice selected; if the invoices were validated or approved and hence did not get included in the payment process request. He can add or remove the invoices in the Payment process and also can check the cash requirements for the full payment. Payment manager can also dismiss the individual documents or payments if necessary, and restart the payment build process. Steps in Pay run Process- Managing a Pay run involves 3 main processes Selection of the invoices for payment Grouping the invoices into pay...

AP/AR Netting Setups In R12

What is AP/AR Netting? Oracle AP/AR Netting allows you to net your Payable  invoice balances against your Receivables invoice balances for those Customers who are also your Suppliers. For example, If you have a customer who is also your supplier, then rather than him paying you and then you paying him, AP/AR netting allows you to pay the net difference between how much you owe the supplier and how much he owes you. After establishing a netting agreement with such trading partners, you set up the agreement and the rules associated with it in eBusiness Suite and you can then start to net AP and AR transactions. Setups for AP/AR Netting : In Brief Netting Bank Account ·           Receivables System Options ·           Netting batch ·           Approver Chargeable Subcontracting ·           Netting Agreement ...